William Wright

William Wright


William Killen Wright was born in Irelandin 1938.

He is married and has four grown-up children, Arleen, Karen, David and Erin. Hehas traveled extensively visiting over 50 countries in line with his secularwork as a textile engineer specializing in the sisal industry. He is nowrecognized as the leading expert in this field. His wife, Maria Luiza, nowtravels with him.

During his travels, however, he did not miss the many opportunities of visitingboth missionaries and bible Seminaries and also speaking and teaching inchurches were his journeys brought him. Besides churches in the westernhemisphere, one church in Indiais at present using his study materials.

William has studied the Bible for 51 years and at an early age his first book,Crisis Days, was published and republished as a second edition.

During his earlier journeys he took advantage of study by correspondence usingthe Systematic Theology of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, who was instrumental in thefounding of the Dallas Theological Seminary, and followed this up with in-depthself studies. Also, when he lived in France, he set about an elaboratedesign of a biblical chronological chart covering the complete bible. Includedin this 5 meter chart are the dates of each bible prophet, their God-revealedprophecies and the time of their fulfillment. The visual aspects of this chartwere the final clinch in his determining the theology he has accepted asbiblically sound. This chart, which he has used in teaching and EschatologicalConferences, has now prompted his undertaking a much larger work which will bepublished under the name Tikkun Olam. His next book, Man’s Dilemma – God’sSolution will be published soon.

William is the founding pastor a local non-denominational evangelical church inJoao Pessoa situated in the north east of Brazil. Hisvision is to found a Bible Seminary in Brazil to train both missionariesand pastors, especially those young Christians who can only study in theevenings due to financial difficulties necessitating them working during theday. At present he is also founding a ministry to be called New GenesisMinistry and any donations and profits from his books will be channeled to thisproject.

The reasons for writing thisbook, and the ones soon to follow, is that the life saving and spiritualbenefits so widely spread during the revivals of the not so distant past havebeen rapidly receding into history. This regression began gradually but nowwith accelerating speed, and the biblically teachings for the church are beingtwisted or rejected and the gospel of Jesus Christ is being replaced with a manmade watered down version. My aim is therefore to take a stand and faithfullydo my part in defending and upholding biblical truth. The Bible with clarityreports Jesus Christ as saying, “and ye shall know the truth, and the truthshall make three free - John 8:32.

Any profits from this webpagewill be going to open a Bible seminary in the north east of Brazil for theformation of pastors, evangelists, missionaries and Christian workers with thesame objectives in mind.


Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book

