Rollan McCleary

Rollan McCleary


Rollan McCleary was born in London,  England. He has lived in France, Mexico and Hong Kong working in either teaching or media. He now lives in Queensland, Australia, where he is a citizen. He holds a doctorate in Religious Studies from QueenslandUniversity and is a published author in mainly religion though he has also written poetry and drama. His first major  published work, The Expansion of God (1982) on the relations of Christianity and Asian cultures was a critical success and his A Special Illumination (2004), a pioneering in-depth study of the varieties of gay spiritualities and theologies, caused some international controversy. His Signs for a Messiah (2003) examined the whole subject of the dating and astrology of Christ’s birth, assessing scholarly work done in this area so far and arriving at some remarkable conclusions. A less technical more popularized version with a lot of new and significant information should be released before Christmas ’09.

Dark Mind

Dark Mind

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<p>A Serial Killer Plagues an Island Paradise<br /><br />Vigilante detective Emily Stone continues her covert pursuits to find serial killers and child abductors, all under the radar while shadowing police investigations.<br /><br />Emily searches for an abducted nine-year-old girl taken by ruthless and enterprising slave brokers. Following the clues from California to the garden island of Kauai, she begins to piece together the evidence and ventures deep into the jungle.<br /><br />It doesn’t take long before Emily is thrown into the middle of murder, mayhem, and conspiracy. Locals aren’t talking as a serial killer now stalks the island, taking women in a brutal frenzy of ancient superstitions and folklore. Local cops are unprepared for what lies ahead. In a race against the clock, Emily and her team must identify the killer before time runs out.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Arguably the story behind this book (whose very first discoveries date back over twenty years), has special spiritual resonances. A published author with a critical success in religion, a doctor of religious studies offering a book that an editor of a major publisher (Transworld) called &quot;groundbreaking,fascinating and publishable&quot; should not be self publishing revelations of the kind &quot;Testament of the Magi&quot; contains. How and why he is doing so is a story yet to be told and still more understood. But in part it would appear the material in this study is more than some people want to know or wish to let others know. It might be relevant to recall the arrival of the Magi &quot;troubled&quot; all Jerusalem.
