Michael Angley

Michael Angley


MICHAEL"Mike" ANGLEY is the award-winning author of the mystery/suspense thriller series,the Child Finder Trilogy, that features a USAF Special Agentprotagonist, Major Patrick S. O'Donnell. More information about theentire trilogy can be found at: www.childfinder.us.

Child Finder won the Silver Medal for Fiction in the 2009 Military Writers Society of America Annual Awards program!

Mike retiredfrom the U.S. Air Force in September 2007 in the rank of Colonel,following a wonderful 25-year career as a Special Agent with the AirForce Office of Special Investigations (OSI). During his career, heheld thirteen different assignments around the world. Among theseassignments were five tours as a Commander of different units, toinclude two Air Force Squadrons and a Wing.

In his last assignment as the Commander of OSI Region 8 at Air ForceSpace Command, he was fond of saying, “If it entered or exited the Earth’satmosphere, I had a dog in the fight!”

Michael Angley is aseasoned criminal investigator and a counterintelligence andcounterterrorism specialist. Following the 1996 Khobar Towers terroristattack in Saudi Arabia, Angley was dispatched to command all OSI unitsthroughout the Middle East, with responsibility for 23 countries.During his tenure he and his teams effectively neutralized numerousterrorist threats to U.S. forces in the region, to include an imminentthreat to senior Department of Defense officials. In 2004 he commandedall OSI units in South Korea where he and his teams countered aclassified target in Seoul. For his efforts the President of SouthKorea presented him with a Presidential Citation and medal, and theKorean National Police Agency (KNPA) Commissioner decorated him withthe KNPA Medal of Cooperation.

Earlier in his career, whilecommanding an OSI unit in northern Japan, Angley conducted an operationthat effectively blocked a KGB agent's efforts to steal critical U.S.technology, and thereby stymied Soviet military advances for years. In1999, he was the Chief of Counterintelligence within the Directorate ofIntelligence, U.S. Strategic Command. His office competed for theprestigious Killian Award, a White House level honor that annuallyrecognizes the very best intelligence unit in the entire U.S.government. His unit came in as first runner-up for this significanthonor.

EDUCATION: Michael Angley has an M.A. in National SecurityAffairs from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, and aB.A. in Criminal Justice and Psychology from King's College,Wilkes-Barre, PA. In 2001 he served as a National Defense Fellow andAdjunct Professor of International Relations at Florida InternationalUniversity, Miami, FL. He currently works as a consultant toHenley-Putnam University, San Jose, CA.

FAMILY: Mike and Evelyn,his wife of 24 years, make their home in Colorado Springs, CO. Theyhave three children, and they recently adopted a beagle puppy namedBrynn.



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Story Behind The Book

Mike retired from the U.S. Air Force in September 2007 in the rank of Colonel, following an exciting and dangerous 25-year career as a Special Agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI). He held thirteen different assignments throughout the world, among which were five tours as a Commander of different units, to include two Air Force Squadrons and a Wing. Michael Angley is a seasoned criminal investigator and a counterintelligence and counterterrorism specialist. In his last assignment as the Commander of OSI Region 8 at Air Force Space Command, he was fond of saying, “If it entered or exited the Earth’s atmosphere, I had a dog in the fight!”


<p class="MsoNoSpacing"><span>&quot;Great read.....Mike combines his expert knowledge of investigations and forensics with an exceptional writing style to create a great piece of fiction. I cannot wait for the next one.&quot;</span></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"><strong><span>---Francis X. Taylor, Brigadier General, USAF (Retired), Former Ambassador-at-Large and Presidential Counterterrorism Advisor, &amp; Former Commander, OSI</span></strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"><span></span></p><p></p>“Mike does not disappoint!  The cat-and-mouse game between protagonist and nemesis will keep you on the edge of your seat.”<p></p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"><strong><span>---John Wills, FBI (Retired) and author of the <em>Chicago Warrior Thriller Series</em></span></strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"><strong><span></span></strong></p><p> </p>