Joan E. Gosier

Joan E. Gosier


Oh...about me.  I am much more than a resume or curriculum vitae,  yet I declare that I am finally free.  

Well I used to have an inside joke going shortly after graduating from HBCU Hampton University and observing how things seemed to work in corporate America...I used to say to my fellow black colleagues, "I aint trying to be Harriet Tubman or anything but..." and then I would give some words of appropriate career wisdom acquired during my years as
INROADS intern for a regional bank and growing up with older than average parents and siblings in my family.  

Funny as I reflect back on those pivotal years, I guess I do share a common interest with the late great Harriet Tubman in passionately desiring to uplift our community.  This true interest in which I have found is a HIT OR MISS in finding like minded souls.  I admit that I seem to know or am connected to a whole lot of people...but 90% are in self preservation mode... meaning they just are too overwhelmed in their corporate careers or family circumstances to think about anyone
or anything outside of their J-O-B and H-O-M-E.

No...I don't dare realistically put myself on the level of Harriet Tubman outside of this web page and my flippant commentary on my past jobs, but I must admit...I often resort to her memory for strength, encouragement and endurance right along with the word of God.  I can't possibly live the self-less lifestyle and even imagine the TRUE life and death of an American slave.  However, these tales and my daily new revelations bring me closer and closer to a better understanding of...  

THE TRUTH.  Many of us are slaves and are unaware of the modern day symptoms and symbols of bondage.

"Accomplished but Approachable."

New Moon Rising

New Moon Rising

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The Pacific Plate is one of the most geological active areas in the world, and the site of constant volcanic and earthquake activity.  The Ring of Fire, in the Pacific Ocean, will soon escalate its impact on mankind.  Two brothers, one a geologist and one a surfer are at the center of and event that will change the Earth, forever.

Story Behind The Book

Q: “Why did the slave escape and then return back to the cotton field?” A: “Because she couldn’t find a good paying job.” "It is hard to be self-employed as an African American woman. Not impossible. Many achieve financial success and rewards. But it is hard. You have to have a very thick skin to not let things bother you. Comments about your skills, abilities and attitude are always in the way. You have to tune them out. Some people just have that knack. Their confidence and self-esteem shout out through their pores. Mine had to be built up. One lesson at a time. My ancestors gave their lives and souls to make a better life for us today. Demeaning and belittling jobs one may consider what they endured. These jobs paid bills. These jobs provided hopes and dreams. These jobs were the backs upon which my career was built. My book title is not meant to belittle the act of picking cotton in a field. It is actually a tribute and a chronological personal journey through job to career to entrepreneur to empowering others to do their best . It is also an analogy. The mindset of having a paycheck can cause you to become trapped by the golden handcuffs. To successfully escape from modern day slavery, there is a lot to know and do. I have tried for about 10 years. I don’t know it all. I am still learning what I need to do to create a livelihood based on my skills. Every day, God presents me with a new lesson. That is what Cotton Pickin Paycheck is all about. The book’s theme is that each African American must pick his or her cotton of lessons learned to achieve financial independence and survival in a futuristic racially divided and hostile economy. Think about this analogy. Imagine an ancestor picking cotton in an open field. They couldn’t rush through the field. In my career life, I couldn’t rush through my lessons to be learned. Each ball of cotton had to be individually cleaned. Each lesson for me had to be individually learned. I pray that this book can be the Eli Whitney for building confidence and self esteem for others. You still have to pick your own cotton, but maybe having a cotton gin when you are done will help you make money faster than me. Maybe this cotton gin is why you go back to the cotton field. Not with the purpose to pick cotton faster but to process the cotton into cloth faster. Everyone is not meant to sell cloth. Some prefer to pick cotton. Everyone does not desire to be financially independent. Someone has to be an employee. We all have different gifts. We have a limited time on earth to discover that gift and to use that gift to leave the world a better place than when we entered it. At the end of our final breath, each one of us has to answer a question. Mine is different than yours. In fact, I don’t even know what your question and answer will be. I have been told what mine will be. This book is the answer that I am formulating so that when that moment comes for me, I can answer in three words or less…It is done."


<div> <div><span>Hey Joan, </span></div> <div> </div> <div><span>With my excitement, I took a quick glance-over my Cotton Pickin Paycheck and absolutely LOVE the down to earth personal flow of your &quot;Blook.&quot;  How awesome of you to share so much of your knowledge, love, strength and life-lessons with the WORLD.  I'm looking forward to reading and learning from your shared lessons.  ---Also, the pics are a nice touch and add to your goal of authenticity!</span></div> <div><span></span> </div> <div><span>Warm regards,</span></div> <div><font face="Edwardian Script ITC" color="#0000ff" size="6">Sharon L. Lewis</font></div> <div align="left">Founder/CEO</div> <div align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"></font> </div> <div align="left">Phone Direct: 800-796-4478 - Ext.80</div> <div align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"></font><font face="Arial" size="2"></font><font face="Arial" size="2"></font><a href=""></a> </div> <div align="left">Web Address:  <a href=""><font color="#000080">www.HR</font><font color="#800000">Visions</font><font color="#000080">.net</font></a></div> <div align="left"><strong><span lang="en-gb" style="font-size:18pt;color:#008000;font-family:Webdings;" xml:lang="en-gb"><font size="1"></font></span></strong> </div> <div align="left"><strong><span lang="en-gb" style="font-size:18pt;color:#008000;font-family:Webdings;" xml:lang="en-gb">P<span><font face="Verdana" size="2">...HR Visions is g</font></span></span><span lang="en-gb" style="font-size:10pt;color:#008000;font-family:Verdana;" xml:lang="en-gb">oing green and paperless.</span></strong></div> <div> </div></div>