Barbara Hart

Barbara Hart


I'm the mother of five, and the author of three books, "The Lives of Abused and Battered Women", "Heart-Boosting Poetry" and "Love On The Rocks, Abuse And Power Pointers". My purpose in life is to give hope and inpiration to others. Because of my abusive lifestyle, I turned it around to be a testimony to send out kind words of hope, and to be an inspiration to others that may need their soul and heart to be blessed or uplifted. I want to remind others that no matter what the situation looks like, to never give up. There is always hope or a break through for them also. I want my readers to know that my heart and prayers are with them. It doesn't mean that you've been abused it is only to tell my story to give a sense of hope and help to others. My prayers, kind words of hope, help and sister love is sent through the airwaves and through my books to touch the reader deep down in their soul and heart. My words are a blessing to you so that I too shall receive my blessing. You can never come close to knowing how it feels to be abused unless you have walked that un-neccessary mile in the shoes of someone that is, or that has been abused.
Abuse is a subject that is kept hidden, swept under the rug, to hide the humiliation, hurt and shame. No one wants to talk about the subject as though it will make it go away. It is truly a shame and disgrace to be treated that way. You should never hurt the one that you love. Even if you feel that it's not love just walk away. With time things can turn around for the better for everyone. You should never try to keep abuse a secret because someone else knows about it. It just may put an end to it, but the longer you take it, the longer it will exist.

Santa's Birthday Gift

Santa's Birthday Gift

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<p><span style="color:#000000;line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';font-size:10pt;">Santa’s Birthday Gift was written in response to a grandchild’s question, after reading the story of the Nativity.<span>  </span>She asked, “But where’s Santa?”<span>  </span>This story tells the story of the Nativity and then goes on to tell the story about how when Jesus is born, Santa sees the star at the North Pole and travels to see the baby.  Since he is a toymaker, he brings his bag of toys - and offers them to the Christ Child, and then to all the people of the town.  His birthday gift to Jesus is a promise to bring gifts to all good boys and girls each year on the Christ Child's birthday</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Because of the trials and the tribulations that I as well as others have endured in our lives I wrote this book to be an inspiration to the reader. It is my intention to give hope to the hopeless, to be a friend to the friendless, and to give kind words and gestures allowing the reader to be able to stay in control. There is a little something to help to come out of the dark hole or corner, so that they will not continue to mold, maybe then they will be able to be more bold. It is to send a word so that, that tree that has be blocking the forest will begin to sway so as to get a better view. Many kind words are sent no matter what you may be going through.


<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="0" align="right">  </td> <td valign="top" width="100%" align="left"> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><span style="margin-left:-5px;"><img border="0" alt="5.0 out of 5 stars" src="" width="64" height="12" /></span><strong>Heart-Boosting Poetry reviewed by Fran Lewis</strong>, October 30, 2009</div> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">By </td> <td><a href=""><span style="font-weight:bold;"><font color="#004b91">Barbara <span style="white-space:nowrap;">Hart<img style="border-bottom:medium none;border-left:medium none;border-top:medium none;border-right:medium none;" class="custPopRight" alt="" src="" /></span></font></span></a> (USA) - <a href=";sort_by=MostRecentReview"><font color="#004b91">See all my reviews</font></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div>Heart Boosting Poetry <br />By Barbara Hart <br /><br />From the author of The Lives of Battered and Abused Women we get a book of inspirational and thought provoking poetry that will not only make the reader smile but take a long hard look at life and its ups and downs. In this compilation of poetry the author relates in her own unique way her feelings about friendship, love, God and loss and understanding. Throughout the book she sites examples of what a true friend should be, what she expects from others and what others have done to not only disappoint her but to uplift her spirits as well. <br /><br />This is a book that should be kept by your bedside and read every night. There are so many poems that will make you smile and remind you of all the precious moments in life that made you feel great and the ones that you chose to forget too. But, that's okay. Life is not about what is perfect all the time. Life is also about learning those hard lessons and not repeating the same mistakes as the author so aptly relates in the poem Second Chance. <br /><br />There are so many poems that I really love but the ones that hit home were about her mother. You can feel how much she misses her and how she embraced her love, understanding and their times together in the poem entitled Mother. Hoping that she made her mother proud of her and that her mother could take a cloudy day and bring out the sunshine and blue skies is heart warming and heartfelt. My mom has Alzheimer's and she brought out the best in all of her children and she expected them to be the best they could ever be in life. She accepted us for who were and never put us down. From reading this poem and the second one entitled Remembrance of Mother, the reader can tell how much she misses her best friend, her mother. <br /><br />The poem We Were Friends So I Thought, definitely defines what a friend should and should not be. Friends are supposed to be there no matter what and should not be judgmental but open with their feelings and thoughts. When relating their opinion or answers to a question you might need answered, a true friend will give you the answer they hope you will give them so that the outcome will be positive. <br /><br />The poem If really gives the reader pause for thought. If you had a million dollars you could do a lot of things but you could not make yourself a better person than you are. A true friend is worth more than money and is truly rare. The author's belief in God and that he will always be there to guide her and help her through her trials and tribulations is uplifting and allows the reader to know that the author will never give up on herself, life or happiness. <br /><br />The poems, When Lord, and Lord, I Don't Understand are two poems that allow the reader to understand the author and her feelings about God and life. Everyone wants happiness and everyone wants a guiding hand to let us know that we are on the right path. But, our author has shed a bright light on all of us with her poetry and allowing everyone into her heart, soul and mind. As she states in her poem Sometimes: &quot;Life seems so hard trying to hold on, and stay strong.&quot; Never give up on yourself and never let others bring you down. You have a strong voice and it is being heard. This is a book of poetry that I will keep on my nightstand to read every night. <br /><br />Barbara Ann Hart you have truly written a book that would make your mother proud and everyone that reads it understand as you said,&quot; Make positive and worthwhile decisions and that beautiful picture, you can be proud of will be in a frame.&quot; That face to be proud of is yours our author. <br /><br />You need to read this book and choose the ones that touch your heart the most and embrace it and reread it and remember as out author says: God Will Never Pass You By. <br /><br />This book deserves five beautiful red and pink hearts. <br />Fran Lewis: reviewer <br /></td></tr></tbody></table>