Kaylin McFarren

Kaylin McFarren


Kaylin McFarren minored in English in college and for the past twenty years has led PR/marketing efforts for several companies within her family's international conglomerate. She is a wife and mother of three, and resides in Oregon. In addition to serving on numerous foundations and boards, she actively works with multi-published critique partners and is a member of several writers' organizations, including Willamette Writers and Romance Writers of America. Although Flaherty's Crossing was Kaylin's début novel, it garnered numerous awards and received recognition as a 2008 Golden Heart® Finalist.


The Seekers: The Children of Darkness (Dystopian Sci-Fi - Book 1)

The Seekers: The Children of Darkness (Dystopian Sci-Fi - Book 1)

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<p>New from the author of the multiple award-winning fantasy saga, <em>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</em>, winner of the <strong>Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Fall 2014 - Best Book in the Category of FANTASY</strong>....</p><h1><strong><em>The Children of Darkness</em> by David Litwack</strong></h1><p>Evolved Publishing presents the first book in the new dystopian series <em>The Seekers</em>. [DRM-Free]</p><h2><strong>[Dystopian, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic, Religion]</strong></h2><p><em>“But what are we without dreams?”</em></p><p>A thousand years ago the Darkness came—a terrible time of violence, fear, and social collapse when technology ran rampant. But the vicars of the Temple of Light brought peace, ushering in an era of blessed simplicity. For ten centuries they have kept the madness at bay with “temple magic,” and by eliminating forever the rush of progress that nearly caused the destruction of everything.</p><p>Childhood friends, Orah and Nathaniel, have always lived in the tiny village of Little Pond, longing for more from life but unwilling to challenge the rigid status quo. When their friend Thomas returns from the Temple after his “teaching”—the secret coming-of-age ritual that binds young men and women eternally to the Light—they barely recognize the broken and brooding young man the boy has become. Then when Orah is summoned as well, Nathaniel follows in a foolhardy attempt to save her.</p><p>In the prisons of Temple City, they discover a terrible secret that launches the three on a journey to find the forbidden keep, placing their lives in jeopardy, for a truth from the past awaits that threatens the foundation of the Temple. If they reveal that truth, they might once again release the potential of their people.</p><p>Yet they would also incur the Temple’s wrath as it is written: “If there comes among you a prophet saying, ‘Let us return to the darkness,’ you shall stone him, because he has sought to thrust you away from the Light.”</p><p><strong>Be sure to read the second book in this series, <em>The Stuff of Stars</em>, due to release November 30, 2015. And don't miss David's award-winning speculative saga, <em>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</em></strong></p>

Story Behind The Book

FLAHERTY’S CROSSING was originally inspired by Linda's father, Merle McPherren, who passed away on July 15, 1991, with the love of his life, his wife Jean, at his side. His Irish wit, stubbornness, and the bravery he exuded during his relentless battle with terminal cancer sparked the idea for a novel and was further developed and edited with the assistance of author Kristina McMorris, Linda's eldest daughter. Not only does this faith-seeking tale delve into the complex emotions of bidding a final farewell to an estranged parent, but it also explores the strain placed on a marital relationship when childhood issues go unresolved.


<p>&quot;Sometimes, the deepest darkest moments allow us to finally recognize the light in our lives. Only when we face our pain can we move onto something better. So it seems for Kate Flaherty. Kate was at a crossroads. From the moment her mother died, everything changed. Her father became distant. As she watches her father succumb to cancer, Kate realizes that she was very much her father's daughter. She'd lost her mother, would soon lose her father, and if she wasn't careful her husband would give up on their marriage. She had to make some changes and fast. Flaherty's Crossing is an inspirational story about learning to let go and love fully for the sake of love. Who are we under our masks of pain? How would it feel to have those burdens lifted? A story well-worth reading.&quot;<br /><br /><em>  • Tami Brady, TCM Reviews</em><br /><br /> &quot;Flaherty's Crossing captivates readers with a moving story about the complexities of loss and love with unexpected turns and revelations. Kaylin's writing is heartbreaking, funny, and tender. For anyone who has loved immensely and faced a painful loss, this book is a bridge to healing, forgiveness and an open heart.&quot;<br /><br /><em>  • Regina Ellis, Founder, CEO The Children's Cancer Association</em><br /><br /> &quot;McFarren's latest novel, Flaherty's Crossing, is about so many crossings on physical and metaphorical levels. The story delves into complex relationships between a husband and wife and a father and daughter, and explores how the past can affect the future. McFarren unravels a rich history of events that lead to the decisions that the characters make throughout the novel. She weaves in complicated topics of death and religion in a masterful manner that helps shape the plot. Told from a rotating viewpoint, the story illustrates how there can be two sides to an argument, and how both parties must set aside pride to pave the way toward forgiveness. McFarren's writing is powerful and detail oriented, making the story come alive and creating a suspenseful atmosphere that sustains to the last page. A brilliant exploration of women's fiction.&quot;<br /><br /><em>  • AUBRIE DIONNE, Author , SynergEbooks</em><br /><br /> &quot;Be warned: do not start this novel if you anticipate any pressing obligations - a need to sleep, say - or without a handful of tissues within arms reach. <em>Flaherty's Crossing</em> is a compelling and imaginative story, not just about death but about life and emotional growth, a broken woman's journey towards learning to trust again. Beautifully written, heart wrenching yet inspirational, this is a 'must read' for anyone who has loved and lost.&quot;<br /><br /><em>  • ELIZABETH JOY ARNOLD, USA Today bestselling author of Pieces of My Sister's Life</em><br /><br /> &quot;Before you start reading <em>Flaherty's Crossing</em>, clear your schedule. You will not want to look up until the last page is turned. Suspenseful, poignant and ultimately soul-satisfying, this life-affirming tale of shattering secrets will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss it!&quot;<br /><br /><em>  • JOY NASH, USA Today bestselling author of Deep Magic</em><br /><br /> &quot;<em>FLAHERTY'S CROSSING</em> immediately engages the reader with lyrical prose, a plot equally moving and suspenseful, and real, compelling characters. The writing is as fresh as it is evocative. From heart wrenching to heartwarming, inducing laughter and tears, this virtual roller coaster of a tale won't let the reader go until reaching the final turn of the ride. A superb novel bearing a message not easily forgotten.&quot;<br /><br /><em>  • ANGELA FOX, Publisher of Oregon City News/Clackamas Review</em></p> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div style="width:520px;height:391px;"> </div> <div> </div> <div style="width:520px;height:391px;"> </div> <div> </div> <div style="width:520px;height:391px;"> </div> <div> </div> <div style="width:520px;height:391px;"> </div>