Traci Davis

Traci Davis


Working mom ~ WAHM!!! Check out my pictures and see what BeachBody products have done for me!! They can do the same for you!! Fitness Coach!    Do you want to try P90X? or Insanity? Or any other BeachBody products? Ask me how they are!! Spray tanning, body wraps, and ion foot detox!! Available at several locations!!    ~Want to Start your own mobile tanning business! Ask me how!! If you are looking for a speaker for an event feel free to contact me ~ I can help!! Book Author!! ~ The Momma Guide and others @ ~Traci Davis

Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God

Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God

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<p>“<em>We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”(</em>Teilhard de Chardin<em>)</em></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;"><em>Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God </em> is as layered as a French cassoulet, as diverting, satisfying and as rich. Each reader will spoon this book differently. On the surface it seems to be a simple and light-hearted poetic journey through the history of Western thought, dominantly scientific, but enriched with painting and music. Beneath that surface is the sauce of a new evolutionary idea, involution; the informing of all matter by consciousness, encoded and communicating throughout the natural world. A book about the cathedral of consciousness could have used any language to paint it, but science is perhaps most in need of new vision, and its chronology is already familiar.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">The author offers a bold alternative vision of both science and creation: she suggests that science has been incrementally the recovery of memory, the memory of evolution/involution</span><em style="line-height:1.6em;">.</em></p><p>“<em> Involution proposes that humans carry within them the history of the universe, which is (re)discovered by the individual genius when the time is ripe. All is stored within our DNA and awaits revelation. Such piecemeal revelations set our finite lives in an eternal chain of co-creation and these new leaps of discovery are compared to mystical experience</em>” (From a reviewer)</p><p>Each unique contributor served the collective and universal return to holism and unity. Thus the geniuses of the scientific journey, like the spiritual visionaries alongside, have threaded the rosary of science with the beads of inspiration, and through them returned Man to his spiritual nature and origin.</p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">The separation between experience and the rational intellect of science has, by modelling memory as theory, separated its understanding from the consciousness of all, and perceives mind and matter as separate, God and Man as distinct. This work is a dance towards their re-unification: Saints and scientists break the same bread.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">All of time and all the disciplines of science are needed for the evidence. Through swift (and sometimes sparring) Cantos of dialogue between Reason and Soul, Philippa Rees takes the reader on a monumental journey through the history of everything – with the evolution of man as one side of the coin and involution the other.  The poetic narrative is augmented by learned and extensive footnotes offering background knowledge which in themselves are fascinating. In effect there are two books, offering a right and left brain approach. The twin spirals of a DNA shaped book intertwine external and internal and find, between them, one journey, Man’s recovery of Himself., and (hopefully) the Creation’s recovery of a nobler Man.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">From the same review “</span><em style="line-height:1.6em;">The reader who finishes the book will not be the same as the one who began it. New ideas will expand the mind but more profoundly, the deep, moving power of the verse will affect the heart.</em></p><p><em>(Marianne Rankin: Director of Communications, Alister Hardy Trust)</em></p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

Are you a mom that needs more me time, but not sure how to get it or take it? The Momma Guide is for you. The Momma Guide will give you a plan and ideas to help you stay YOU!! You are more then just a mom and wife. This is also for dads too. We have had great reviews from dads needing more help. The Momma Guide has great ideas for quick and easy meals to feed your busy family!


<p>“Momma” Where have You Been All My Life?!?!? I am a self help book junkie. I have every book on every topic you could possibly imagine, from conception to teenage years. If I have an issue I turn to a book because in that huge pile of books, the answer has to be somewhere, right??? The general consensus in all of those self help books is that you must be doing something wrong as a mother and your child is nuts. You have to read through chapters and chapters of nonsense until you come to this conclusion and then you feel just as helpless as you did before you even picked up the book. Does this sound like you?? If so then run, don’t walk, to get yourself a copy of The Momma Guide. Where has this book been all of my life?!?!?! I have never seen a book that covers everything, from conception to empty nesting. From what to cook for a holiday party to how to deal with your Teenager learning how to drive. This book is not only for birth mothers but for Step mothers, adoptive mothers, grandparents, fathers, caregivers, thinking about being mothers and everyone in between! This book is empowering and makes you feel like, Yes, you are a good parent and YES you can get through this!!! I love the inspirational quotes throughout the book and how the chapters are short, sweet and chock full of valuable information! Not only does it have a wealth of information on children but it has a wealth of information on things such as moving, saving money, and even starting your own business! The Momma Guide is truly a one stop book for everything you could possibly imagine! The only thing this book is missing is a “quick look up guide” in the back of the book but you can pretty much find what you are looking for in the “Contents” section in the front of the book. This past week my father went in for heart surgery and my husband had to go to the hospital for dangerously high blood pressure. I am a firm believer that you should always tell your children the truth when it comes to anything medical because they will feel less afraid if they know what to expect. None of the self help or child rearing books I have even touched the subject of heart issues but The Momma Guide devotes a full chapter to it. I was able to quickly read through the chapter (Chapter 18, Health Problems: The Heart) and explain to my 4 year old daughter just how the heart worked, what they were going to do to Daddy &amp; Paw and what foods we are going to cook for them to help their hearts get healthy again. Then things got even cooler! I was able to then flip to Chapter 16 (Dealing with Stress, Anxiety &amp; Depression) and get help for myself while dealing with all of these heart issues as well as know what to look out for with my dad &amp; my husband. Just when you think, “WOW, this book really helped you through a rough patch” I yell, “Wait, there’s more!”. Not only was I able to look up information on the Heart, explain to my daughter what the heart does and what heart issues my father &amp; husband were having, learn how to deal with my stress and anxiety over it, learn how to help them with their stress and anxiety, I was also able to turn to the Chapter on “Getting Fit” to help my husband loose the weight he needs to loose in order to bring his blood pressure down AND found some YUMMY recipes in the book to cook for these two men while they were recovering while all the wile using the inspirational sayings, reading the Chapter on making time for MOM and how to keep your child entertained for free. In one week time this one book answered all of my questions, gave me great advice and helped me through a difficult time. So I guess all that is left to say is… I am having a book sale, all of my self help books are for sale. I have no use for them now since I now have “The Momma Guide”. It really is a one stop shop for everything you could possibly imagine!!!! ** I received a copy of this book from one of the Authors for review. This is my own personal opinion of the book. ** <a href=""><font color="#0066cc"></font></a></p>