Charles Betterton

Charles Betterton


CharlesBetterton is co-founder of Ultimate Destinyland™, a strategic marketecture™ that includes the cause-orientedcompany Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc. and two affiliated non-profitorganizations, Ultimate Destiny University and CENTERSPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And CommunityEnlightenment).

As a disaster relief and community economic development specialist, Charles hasbeen developing award-winning programs and model Community Empowerment ResourceCenters for 40 years. He has a Master’s in Community Economic Development andreceived the highest cash award ever paid to an employee of the U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development for a computer system modification heinitiated that saved an estimated 300 million dollars.

Charles is the creator and co-authoralong with Penny Kelly, Howard Pepper, Kimberley Jace and LorieKing of the 14-part, 1,000 plus page Ultimate Destiny Success System.  All 14 individual titlesand the complete Ultimate Destiny Success System Library are being offered on aConscious Energy Exchange™ basis tosubscribers of the free UltimateDestiny University ezine. 

Through the Pay It Forward Program, Ultimate Destiny Network will donate a copyof any ebook purchased at the retail price to a non-profit organization.Through the Pay What It’s Worth To YouProgram, copies are made available without a set price and the customer isinvited to make a donation after experiencing the contents back to UltimateDestiny University equal to the value the customer receives from it. UltimateDestiny has also developed an Ultimate Fundraising Programthat provides donations of 50% to 100% of any sales (or Conscious EnergyExchange donations) generated through a non-profit organization (NPO) back tothat NPO.

Over the past few years, theorganizations they are co-creating have invested over a hundred thousanddollars acquiring training, hardware and software from some of the world’sleading experts in publishing, electronic publishing, marketing and Internetmarketing. This series of e-books, print books and the webinars, seminars,workshops and multi-media home study courses based on the content are theresult of the guidance and help  received from Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen Armand Morin, David Riklan, Rick Frishman, Arielle Ford,  TomAntion, Peggy McColl,  Randy Gilbert, Steve Harrison, Alex Mandossian,Paul Hartunian, Mike Stewart, Ellen Violette, Tom Bird, literary agencyWaterside Productions and several others featured on the recommended resourcespage at

Several of these experts are among the first 50 individuals being given the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award created to honorauthors, trainers and others who are living their ultimate destiny whilehelping others fulfill their own. The award recipients are being interviewedand invited to contribute their insights and answers to a series of questionsabout what we need to do to solve our personal, community and global successpuzzles given the global economic and environmental challenges facing us. 

Their input and resources will be included in the forthcoming book, Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles. Thebook sets forth a strategic marketing matrix for establishing an internationalnetwork of local Community Empowerment Training and Resource Centers that willfoster self-help, empowerment and capacity building.

Charles is also author of Empowerment 101, Enlightenment 101, anddozens of other electronic and printed books that will be made available onthis web site. Several of the forthcoming titles are more spiritually based andCharles is publishing them through the non-profit Center for Spiritual,Personal And Community Enlightenment (

Those titles include: Setting Spiritually Centered New Years Resolutions;Partnership with God; Rise and Shine with Seven Ascension Attitudes;Motivision: 21 Steps to Manifest Your Ultimate Vision; T.U.L.I.P.S.The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System; Crowned with the UltimateSuccess of the Lord; Godhood, Who Me? Oh My God!; Your Interviewwith God--the Ultimate Entrance ExamStewardheirship™--The A.R.T.of Successful Living: Awakening, Realization, Transformation; and A.R.K.of Destiny: Awaken to Your Spiritual Identity; Realize More of Your Potentialand Know How to Co-create Your Ultimate Destiny.

The Kurdish Connection

The Kurdish Connection

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<p><strong>KURDISH SCAVENGERS UNCOVER A CACHE OF NERVE GAS IN IRAQ AND OFFER THEM TO KURDISH FIGHTERS IN TURKEY. THE SPECIAL OPERATIONS BEDLAM ALPHA TEAM MUST SECURE THE WEAPONS BEFORE THEY CAN BE USED.</strong></p><p>&quot;<strong>You must swear by Allah never to say a word of what I'm going to tell you. </strong><strong>This is the most important secret. Ever!&quot;</strong></p><p><em>In their daily struggle for survival, Iraqi Kurdish scavengers uncover a cache of chemical weapons. They offer the weapons to fellow Kurdish rebels in Turkey and Syria to assist in their quest to free an imprisoned leader and create a unified homeland. After receiving a tip from an unlikely source, the newly formed Special Operations Bedlam team is called to arms! </em></p><p><em>Travel with Craig Cameron and his international team on their covert operation as they weave their way through war-torn regions seeking to locate and recover the weapons before they can be used to cause irreparable harm and instigate a world crisis. </em></p><p><em>The odds are stacked against them. Can they manage to keep their operation hidden and prevent further clashes before it's too late?</em></p><p>&quot;The Kurdish Connection--a compelling read. A story of friendship, danger and intrigue.&quot;--<em>Ann Everett, Amazon Best Selling Author.</em></p><p>..&quot;. Randall's authentic voice adds a powerful push to keep a reader turning the pages.&quot; --<em>Janet Taylor-Perry, author of The</em><em> Raiford</em><em> Chronicles, The Legend of</em><em> Draconis</em><em> Saga, and April Chastain Intrigues.</em></p><p>&quot;Topical - Engaging - Intriguing - Powerful ... A real page turner.&quot;--<em>Rikon Gaites</em><em>, author of Mummy's Little Soldier and Darius</em><em> Odenkirk</em><em>.</em></p><p>..&quot;. Randall Krzak brings his wealth of experience living in this troubled part of the world and his military knowledge to bear in this exciting story...&quot;--<em>John L.</em><em> DeBoer</em><em>, author of When the Reaper Comes.</em></p><p>..&quot;. a journey full of history, suspense, intrigue, and action...a MUST READ for all!&quot;--<em>Les Stahl, Retired</em> NSA Executive.</p><p>..&quot;. Readers need to fasten their seatbelts for a fast-paced tale made believable by a writer who knows what he's writing about.&quot;--<em>Preston</em><em> Holtry</em><em>, author of the Morgan</em><em> Westphal</em><em> mystery series and the</em><em> Arrius</em><em> trilogy (forthcoming).</em></p><p>&quot;A behind the scenes story, ripped from today's headlines deepening the reader's understanding of an ancient strife ... filled with the sights and smells of the market place and secret meetings, the reader is admitted to the secret heart, the desperate longings of those that must fight and win, or see continued subjugation by their masters...&quot;<em>--Oliver F. Chase, author of Camelot Games, </em>Levant Mirage, Blind Marsh, and Marsh Island.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle is the first of 14 titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library. The series of books have been coauthored by 5 co-founders of the non-profit Ultimate Destiny University. As we shared the stories of our ups and downs in life, we discovered that all of us had experienced the same self-discovery in our lives. There had come a point in time when each of us wanted to grow personally, developing in many directions in order to realize more of our potential, find and fulfill our life’s purpose, and learn how to manifest our ultimate destinies. “Ultimate destiny?” we asked ourselves. “What does that really mean? What does it entail?” We began the search for answers by getting out a flip chart and creating some quizzes. We put those quizzes on the Internet and asked people to answer the questions they presented. As we reviewed the input from the public, we again got out the flip chart and brainstormed the concept of Ultimate Destiny. We listed the 12 areas or facets of ultimate success in life that had been identified in the answers from the quizzes. We also looked at examples of individuals who had been recognized for living their Ultimate Destiny and helping others to fulfill theirs. These areas were: Realizing Personal Growth and Actualizing Potential Attaining Financial Freedom Enjoying Loving Relationships Enjoying Optimal Health Raising Your Consciousness Living in Peace, Joy, and Balance Fulfilling Your Life Purpose Achieving Ultimate Success in Business or Career Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment Fostering Global Sustainability Harnessing Your Creative Power Making a Difference, Leaving a Legacy As we began exploring and experimenting with these facets of successful living, looking for ways that we and others could begin fulfilling our Ultimate Destiny, we began to see that it was like the picture on the cover of a puzzle box, and we created the Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle. We developed the concept and outline for a series of books on how to Discover and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny. We created the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award to recognize individuals who are living their Ultimate Destiny while helping others manifest their own. Next, we started conducting research on the best tested and proven resources for achieving success in each area. We started writing short articles and quizzes for each of the 12 areas that lead to fulfilling one’s Ultimate Destiny. We also included self-assessment quizzes, application exercises, implementation methods, strategies and systems designed to help anyone interested in realizing their ultimate success to be able to do so in the shortest amount of time and with the lowest investment of money. After months of research and development, testing and refining, we are now ready to share what we’ve learned with others like you who want to Realize More of Your Potential; Attain Financial Freedom; Enjoy Loving Relationships; Enjoy Optimal Health; Raise Your Level of Consciousness; Live in Peace and Balance; Fulfill Your Life Purpose; Achieve Ultimate Success in Business or Career; Attain Spiritual Enlightenment; Foster Personal and Global Sustainability; Harness Your Creative Power; and Make a Difference and Leave A Legacy. As a result of studying and applying the breakthrough technologies and exercises presented in the book, you will be empowered to embody Paul J. Meyer’s formula: “Whatever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.” -- Paul J. Meyer In the book, you will learn how to vividly imagine your Ultimate Destiny, and will enjoy accelerated success because of your ardently held desires. The self-discovery work you do will reinforce your sincere beliefs. And the goal-setting and strategic planning exercises you complete will help ensure that you always act enthusiastically positively, effectively, and efficiently as you design and manifest your Ultimate Destiny, which must inevitably come forth!
