Carolyn Cobelo

Carolyn Cobelo


Carolyn Cobelo is a highly regarded healer, channel, and spiritual teacher who is the founder and president of Akasha Entertainment, the world's premiere metaphysical media company dedicated to expanding consciousness. In addition to founding two metaphysical film festivals, Carolyn has written seven books, including  "The Spring of Hope: Messages from Mother Mary."  Her latest books are the Akasha Sacred Travel series, including Asia, Hawaii, and Europe.  She is an award winning documentary filmmaker, producing the SACRED SPACE series of films, including "The Magical Land of Hawaii."  She has also invented a spiritual board game "Avalon: Temple of Connection."  She currently resides in Bali and Maui, Hawaii.

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book

This true spiritual adventure tells the story of psychotherapist Carolyn Cobelo's husband's passing in a car accident in which she was a passenger, and her subsequent reunion with him on the other side. Similar in scope to the works of best-selling new age author Doreen Virtue, and inspired by the work of transpersonal psychology pioneers Elisabeth Kubler Ross and Raymond Moody, Cobelo aims to take readers on a journey into the light. In 1998, Carolyn Cobelo, M.S.W, and her husband Esteban were visiting Spain. While driving, Esteban fell asleep with Carolyn in the passenger seat, swerved off the road and into a metal fence. He later died from internal injuries in a local hospital. Carolyn had the opportunity to stay with her husband's body immediately following his death, and soon had a series of events, including a phenomenon known in research circles as "after death communication," that formed the basis for her book. "I insisted in staying with Esteban's body as long as I could," Cobelo said. The connection remained that night after the accident. Now 15 years later, Cobelo credits this afterlife experience for allowing her to channel her creativity into creating a huge catalog of over 7 metaphysical books, 4 CDs, and two documentary films. Cobelo's documentary film “Sacred Space: Searching for the Source” has won multiple awards at international film festivals and is available for online viewing at


<em>&quot;Like having a personal guide to hidden spiritual realities.&quot; <br /></em><strong>- Dennis William Hauck</strong>, author of The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation.<em><br /><br />&quot;Esteban's Ascension is an engrossing first-rate spiritual adventure.  It is made even more compelling by the fact that it's true.&quot;</em><br /><strong>- Dr. Michael R. Smith</strong>, author of <em>The Complete Empath Toolkit</em> and <em>Empath Intuition</em>.