Margaret High

Margaret High


Who would have ever thought, “Me”with a grade school education, never reading poetry in my life, or

Books of any kind other than school books as a child,both parents were uneducated, that I would have a Book of personalized, andInspirational Poetry called Heartstrings published.

 I believe there is poetry in each and everyone of us. We all have thoughts, feelings, and expressions,

But not everyone has the ability to put those thoughtsand feelings into a form of poetry.

I have been blessed with thatgift. For years I wrote personalized poems for all my friends, for weddings

Anniversary’s, Friendships, bereavements   , you name it I wrote it. But I want toshare that gift to as many as possible. And to inspire those of you who thinkbecause you do not have the education, that you cannot possibly do the thingsyou wanted to do, what do you have to lose, just go out there, and do it.

I have a grade 7 education I left my home as a 16 yearold naive young girl that grew up on the rock (Bell Island)

On the East Coast of Newfoundland and came to Cambridge,Ontario Canada.

I felt I was destined to workin Factory’s all my life, but an injury forced me to retire early. Almost 60 andonly

Ever worked in Factories, no education, where to go from here.A friend introduced me to Toastmasters. (Learn to speak in public) from thereToastmasters helped give me the confidence I needed to pursue a different path.

 I have been vice president of public relationsof Toastmasters, as well as one of the founding members of IAIC

Independent Authors and Illustrators of Canada, I am nowworking on my next Book, Its going to be all about Newfoundland my roots. Ihave fond memories of the beauty and simplicity of the East Coast as well astraditions.

I know when my end is near, that I have jumped right inand done the things that I’ve wanted to do. Told my family and friends how I felt about them ..let them know that you lovethem now , not when it’s too late .lived a happy and fulfilled life and ….   I ENJOYEDTHE JOURNEY


Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

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Laura Hoopes takes you along as she tries to enter science in the 1960's in the post-Sputnik science education frenzy, only to find doors closed to women.  She persists, makes a career of molecular gerontology and insists on making space for marriage and children in her life.  This inspiring read says, "Yes, you can," to women who have dreams of their own.

Story Behind The Book

To inspire others , to take their own poetry out of that tiny box or wherever they have them hidden and share them with others . my poetry have touched many people in many ways . you never know what message you may have or how you may effect someones life . your poetry may help in someway . I have very little education , I never let that hold me back . I am now working on my next book


Praise and reviews on my website