Tony Eldridge

Tony Eldridge


Tony Eldridge is a former marketing professional and the author of theaction/adventure novel, The Samson Effect, that Clive Cussler called a"first rate thriller brimming with intrigue and adventure." He is alsothe creator of Marketing Tips for Authors, a daily blog that gives lowcost/no cost marketing advice and tips for authors trying to sell theirbooks, especially if they are on a shoestring budget. Tony also has afree newsletter that gives subscribers access to free weekly video tipsfor authors.

Home page: Marketing Tips For Authors Homepage
Daily Blog: Marketing Tips For Authors Blog
Novel Page: The Samson Effect

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Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book
