Carl Bozeman

Carl Bozeman


Carl is a modern-day spiritual pioneer and author born in Tacoma, Washington, but has lived in Colorado since 1974.

After 32 years of marriage and raising a family of 4 children, Carl left the marriage after a profound transformative event changed the way he viewed his life and the lives of all of us forever.

Since that life-changing event, he has devoted his life to sharing his knowledge with those searching for a similar knowing.

He is deeply committed to providing information to those he has envisioned are looking for something greater than that which we have been conditioned to accept as all there is!

Passion & Betrayal

Passion & Betrayal

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<p>(Book 1)<br />Betrayed by the woman he loved and on the verge of destitution, artist Jonathan Martinez channels his anguish and rage into what will become his greatest masterpiece—Passion and Betrayal. The painting, critically acclaimed, ushers him into the world of fine art and allows him to realize his dreams. Stepping out of the shadows, he transforms into Phillipe, a wealthy artist and sought-after bachelor who enjoys an extravagant lifestyle—including his pick of any woman he desires.<br /><br />But when Phillipe least expects, the woman who almost destroyed him returns on the arm of his agent. Despite his anger, she awakens the part of his soul he entombed long ago. The part of him that can never forget her, no matter how deeply he buries himself in his art.<br /><br />With everything he's accomplished at stake, can Phillipe overpower the demons that haunt him and learn to love again? Or will his heart remain a shattered work of art that can never be restored?</p>

Story Behind The Book

While I have always been a searcher, like most, I was looking for answers that made sense in the time-space reality we live in. I was looking for a magic bullet, a fully explainable formula for all of life’s greatest mysteries. Like all searchers, I read everything I thought would steer me to a comprehensible answer. My search took me into disciplines of science, physics, philosophy, metaphysics, self help, religion, and so much more but answers that met my criteria for being believable were slow in coming. In fact, they didn’t come at all to my satisfaction. I never gave up but I often questioned whether such things could ever be known, let alone understood. What came to me is exactly the opposite of anything I expected or had previously determined would constitute an answer that would leave me without question or doubt. On December 6, 2005 I was visiting three of my children in California. As we always do, we spent time visiting, dining out and going to movies and any number of other things we can squeeze into my visits with them. On that night we had had a late dinner but decided to go to a movie that would not be starting for about an hour and a half. While we waited, my daughter Jana brought out a DVD of the movie “The Secret” which I had never heard of. She compared it to the movie “What the Bleep do We Know” which I had seen so we all agreed to sit and watch while killing some time before having to leave for the movie. I could not stop watching. In fact, going to the movies never came up again as we all watched “The Secret” unfold. I was shaken to my core and pressed upon so powerfully with an awareness, insight, and comprehension that to this day remains inexplicable. With the exception of Denis Waitley and Jack Canfield, I had never heard of any of the other teachers in the movie. I was particularly taken in by Esther Hicks and couldn’t believe that I had never heard of the “Teachings of Abraham” she had supposedly authored. Later I realized she was a channel and that the teachings were not about the biblical Abraham as I thought they were. Who were these people and how was it possible that in all the reading I had done over so many years I had not come upon them? Equally perplexing about the way this came to me is that in the growing awareness sweeping over me, I recognized that I had always known these truths but I also knew so much more. Not just about the Law of Attraction as taught in “The Secret” but the infinite and divine nature of man and that what we see and believe in this reality is such a small part of what and who we are. How could it be that I somehow knew this all along? It was as if all the cells of my body suddenly woke up and made every part of me buzz with awareness. That’s all I can say about it. I was overwhelmed. All the reading, pondering, and searching for answers in the contexts of religion, science, and philosophy came into sharp focus for me, a clarity that I knew I had always known. I know it sounds funny but it was like waking up from an amnesiac state with the full recall of everything previously lost. Sudden and profound, it was all there—a knowing at a cellular, if not a quantum level. I could not stop the waves of pulsating, vibrating energy that poured over me. I was simply swept up in something wonderful that to this day I find difficult to explain.


<table class="frame"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td> <div class="lastActivity"> <div> </div> <div> </div></div></td> <td> <div class="name"><a href=""><strong>Bill R. Path &quot;author of &quot;Moments of Forever: Discovering the True Power and Importance of Your Life&quot;&quot;</strong></a> </div></td></tr></tbody></table>Be prepared to reconsider your commonly held beliefs about your life and the realities that you thought you knew. Consider the possibility that there may be much more essence to your existence than you ever thought possible. &quot;On Being God: Beyond Your Life's Purpose&quot; is a captivating read that challenges many traditionally held religious beliefs and presents a thought-provoking case for self-awareness and personal empowerment. Author, Carl Bozeman, demonstrates a true passion for spirituality as he takes the concepts and teachings of `Law of Attraction' to an entirely new level in his amazing literary debut. <br /><br />Intriguing, enlightening, mesmerizing, and enthralling...are just some of the words that describe this inimitable work