kg cummings

kg cummings


 kgcummings (April 11, 1949 - ) born Kathy Ann Cummings in Oswego, New York to parents Raymond E. and Gertrude Kathryn DeSantis Cummings.
Her first novel, The Wind Whispers War, was self published in 2006. It was soon followed by several more novels to continue the historical romance series based in the Vietnam era. For nearly 20 years Kathy worked for a contractor to the United States Air Force as a civilian equivalent to an AF X2 computer operator in the Standard Base Supply System. This experience gave her the opportunity to become acquainted with many Veterans who inspired her novel series.
Kathy has written hundreds of poems, but as yet has not published them in a book of her own.  Several of her poems are published in anthologies and collections. Thanks to the internet, she has heard from readers of her work in thirty countries world wide.
She currently resides in Florida, surrounded by friends and family. She enjoys sunshine and blue sky, playing with her grand nephew, and awaits the birth of her grand daughter in May.

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p><span><span>Harold Godwineson, the Last Anglo-Saxon King, owed everything to his father. Who was this Godwine, first Earl of Wessex and known as the Kingmaker? Was he an unscrupulous schemer, using King and Witan to gain power? Or was he the greatest of all Saxon Earls, protector of the English against the hated Normans? The answer depends on who you ask. He was befriended by the Danes, raised up by Canute the Great, given an Earldom and a wife from the highest Danish ranks. He sired nine children, among them four Earls, a Queen and a future King. Along with his power came a struggle to keep his enemies at bay, and Godwine's best efforts were brought down by the misdeeds of his eldest son Swegn. Although he became father-in-law to a reluctant Edward the Confessor, his fortunes dwindled as the Normans gained prominence at court. Driven into exile, Godwine regathered his forces and came back even stronger, only to discover that his second son Harold was destined to surpass him in renown and glory.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book

By the late 1960's... The challenge that invigorated early attitudes, &quot;Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country&quot;, seemed to have been long forgotten. Letters from Nam, returning soldiers, and a war that appeared to have no end, had shifted public opinion. &quot;Hell No! We Won't Go!&quot; was the reply by the end of the decade. Music would swing from doo wop to acid rock. Hair grew from duck tails, to mop tops, ratted and teased, to flowers and beads. This novel is about relationships between people, and the effect that pop culture, and historical events had upon their lives. You know these people, they are your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and associates... every day, ordinary people. As the trilogy comes to it's conclusion, Turn on, tune in, drop out...


&quot;Welcome With Wrath&quot; is the 3rd book in kgcummings collection on historical Romance. It keeps you on the edge of your seat as the couple finds ups and downs within their love and marriage. It has true issues that couples during that War era might have faced and the challenges and ways they could have solved them. She keeps you spellbound with the emotions you feel as the story unfolds and you place yourself in their shoes and hope that all will be well as drama and episodes of mistrust and adultery begin to unfold before you. She writes with great clarity, imagery and quotes I have heard soldiers and veterans say .The conversations among the soldiers are really like they would have talked, very real, even down to the mannerism they show off so proudly and the songs they learned in training. You feel the passion of the couple, Beth and Jeff and all their love during the times that they are one with each other in all respects as a wife and husband should be. She is a very talented writer and this series is a great accomplishment.<br /><strong>Christina R. Jussaume ~ Massachusettes</strong>