Teresa Nordheim

Teresa Nordheim


As you have probably gathered by now my name is Teresa Nordheim. I was born and raised in Washington state. My supportive husband Andre, daughters Cindi, Katerina, and I live in a beautiful Puyallup, Washington.

From the time I could pick up a pencil, I was drawing. It didn't matter if it was a squiggly line, horses running or silly cartoon people. I fell in love with drawing.

As time passed I wanted my drawings to come to life. So I started writing. I fell in love with writing. I can remember sitting on the steps of my grandparent's home with paper and pencil. I was working on my trillionth drawing of a horse when my Grandpa approached me.

He said, "If you keep practicing, you will succeed." I took those words to heart and followed my dream. Apart from my family, writing and illustrating children's books is my greatest passion.

I, Walter

I, Walter

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<p>Walter Crofter was born into Elizabethan England.<br />In a country and a time where favor and politics were both deadly, can an honest boy stay true to himself?<br />Especially given his family background?</p>

Story Behind The Book
