Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey


An avid reader my entire life, I'm now addicted to writing. The Molly Fyde saga will one day span dozens of books. There are so many fantastic worlds for her to travel to, so many interesting and strange "people" for her to meet. Oh, and a universe to save.

That's a lot for a 16-year-old girl to deal with while she's also falling in love for the first time and searching for her long-lost parents.

The First Book of the Gastar Series: "Act of Redemption"

The First Book of the Gastar Series: "Act of Redemption"

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The once-great city of Gastar stands in ruins following centuries of war by undead monsters driven by an evil temple.  Victory cost the people of the knowledge to defeat another enemy, Zermon, ruler of hell, who seeks to extend his realm by annihilation of the few people left.  With the help of a sympathetic ancient dragon, volunteer fighters from the past war, and the arrival of a teen assassin named Shevata who is known to Zermon, they combine efforts for the existence of the people of Gastar.

Story Behind The Book

My wife and I were taking a long hike through the woods when I began telling her about this idea for a novel. As we walked and talked, the characters came alive, strolling along with us. The plot grew, the twists and turns snaking along with the mountain trail. By the time we were done, I had the entire story mapped out, told in detail as if it were something that had already happened. That night, in our small camping tent, I began writing the first pages. That "Note to the Reader" and introduction are almost exactly what you read in this sample. Of the four novels I've written thus far, Half Way Home may just be my favorite.
