Michelle Sutton

Michelle Sutton


Michelle Sutton is an inspirational author and has written twenty two inspirational novels with more to come. When she is not writing she is an avid blogger/book reviewer. Michelle resides with her family in Arizona.



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<p>FBI agent Alexis Toles is dispatched to New Rochelle, New York, to investigate threatening letters sent to Congressman Christopher O’Brien, and to protect his ex-wife, Cassidy, and six-year-old son, Dylan. But when she gets to New Rochelle, Alex discovers that there is more to the situation than simple stalking or political agendas; she finds that she has growing romantic feelings for Cassidy—and that the feelings are mutual.</p><p>As Alex and Cassidy explore their budding romance, they must surmount many obstacles in explaining their relationship to those around them, including Dylan. All the while, the investigation continues, and the disturbing, convoluted, and complicated web surrounding the threats begins to unravel, placing the characters’ lives in grave danger.</p><p><i>Intersection</i> is a taut political thriller that combines the action and suspense found in hit television shows like <i>24</i> with the insight and drama found in the widely popular fiction of LGBT authors such as R. E. Bradshaw and Stacey D’Erasmo. It is sure to appeal to fans of intrigue, mystery, and romance, and to provide positive role models for marginalized groups and relationships.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I enjoy writing about real life conflicts and issues, but with a layer of hope, faith, and inspiration not often found in most secular books. Plus, what marriage hasn't had some similar struggles as you'll find in this novel? It's good for reading groups, too, as it includes discussion questions at the end.


<p>Mainstream<br /> Never Without Hope<br /> Michelle Sutton<br /> 4 stars<br /><br /> Summary: Hope loves her husband and is content with her life. Yet when things begin to go wrong in the bedroom, she becomes more and more frustrated. Her husband shuts her out emotionally and physically. Though Hope never thought she would stray from her marriage, she give into temptation. Is there any possibility for redemption in her marriage?<br /><br /> Sutton's move into fiction for adults is packed with drama. This timely, relevant message about sex and sexual sin involving married people is quite edgy and not for those looking for a sweet romance. The realism is gritty, but ultimately uplifting and incredibly significant for the world we live in today.<br /><br /><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Endorsements</strong></span><br /><br /> “People don’t often talk about the kind of topics Michelle writes about—like what goes on behind closed doors. One of the things I love about Michelle’s writing is that she blows those doors off the hinges.”<br /><br /> Tosca Lee, author of Demon; A Memoir, Havah, and Iscariot<br /> www.toscalee.com<br /><br /> &quot;Sutton is not afraid to be real and tell it like it is. Never Without Hope takes the reader on an emotional ride they won't soon forget. The character's issues are so intense and realistic that everyone can learn something about faith and their relationship with God as they meet the characters in this book and grow with them. This would be a great ministry tool for couples dealing with intimacy struggles in their marriage.&quot;<br /><br /> Victoria Christopher Murray, best-selling author of The Ex-Files, A Sin and a Shame, Too Little, Too Late and Lady Jasmine<br /><br /> &quot;Riveting. Sutton attacks a difficult subject, especially in Christianity, and makes it alive and real. The story is deeply moving and is a definite page turner. It was impossible to put down and I finished it in an evening. A powerful debut that left me wanting more from this gifted author.&quot;<br /><br /> Sherri L. Lewis, best-selling author of My Soul Cries Out, Dance into Destiny, The List, and Selling My Soul<br /><br /> &quot;A huge round of applause to Michelle Sutton for having the courage to write a novel that breaks through the wall of religious decorum in order to deliver a story that is not only extremely real in its graphic detail but one that will certainly help many people dealing with temptation and sin. In Never Without Hope, we get an up close view of sin in all its ugliness and then witness its horrid impact on the lives of everyone it touches—even the innocent. But through it all, the theme of unconditional love and forgiveness of God reigns, giving a sharp contrast on those who call upon His name for forgiveness and those who do not. Rarely does a novel impact me so intensely as Never Without Hope. Michelle's deeply human characters will stay in my heart and thoughts for many years to come.&quot;<br /><br /> MaryLu Tyndall<br /> Surrender the Sea - August 2010<br /> Surrender the Night – March 2011<br /> Surrender the Dawn – August 2011<br /><br /> “Michelle Sutton does it again! This wonderful author has the courage to tackle situations head on that other authors shy away from. This book is very intense and pretty steamy for an inspirational novel, but Michelle handles the topics of lust, sin, and an extra marital affair with a grace that only she can. Michelle's story show us that God, through his tender and redemptive mercy can reach and restore us wherever we are and no matter what we've done. This is a long book, but I finished it in one sitting because I simply could not put it down. There's nothing else out there like it!?”<br /><br /> K.Dawn Byrd, author of Queen of Hearts-April 2010 &amp; Killing<br /> Time-August 2010<br /><br /> &quot;Never Without Hope read more like suspense than women’s fiction. I found myself immediately immersed in the characters trials. Hope has taught us that sin comes with a price, but where there is true repentance, there is redemption which has its own rewards. Michelle Sutton is a gifted writer, a breath of fresh air and dare I say realism for the Christian market. I look forward to seeing more of this author’s work. Excellent characterization and conflict. Strong writing. I couldn’t put it down.&quot;<br /><br /> Rhonda McKnight<br /> Secrets and Lies 2010<br /> A Woman's Revenge, May 2010<br /> An Inconvenient Friend, Aug 1, 2010<br /><br /> &quot;Author Michelle Sutton has taken a bold step in writing this honest, straight-from-the-heart novel about infidelity and its consequences. Ultimately, however, this book is about unconditional love, and in the end, that’s the message that shines through. I commend her courage in penning this life-changing story.&quot;<br /><br /> Kathi Macias – Angel-award winning author of more than thirty books, including the bestselling devotional A Moment A Day and the popular Extreme Devotion fiction series from New Hope Publishers.<br /><br /> &quot;Never Without Hope is a wrenching yet ultimately uplifting story that every couple in a committed relationship needs to read. Ms. Sutton writes with gritty honesty as she plumbs the hurt of a marriage pushed beyond the breaking point, and she fully explores the painful process of forgiveness and reconciliation; her book fills a distinct gap in Christian fiction.&quot;<br /><br /> Susan Lohrer<br /> http://www.SusanLohrer.com<br /><br /> &quot;When you break the rules, everyone gets hurt. This biblical principle is explored to the fullest extent in Never Without Hope, a novel that contains a very descriptive look at dealing with sin. Michelle spins the ‘sticky web’ of temptation until the reader is walking right into the sin with the main character, and is sinking in the mire right along with her. The Scriptures tell us that we are caught in sin when we are dragged away by our own desire. The final entrapment is palpable in this story.<br /> However, God reaches into the pit of our sin, always showing us a way out. Although all choices have consequences, and some of those quite lasting, God has a Fatherly way of turning our disastrous decisions around for our benefit. In Never Without Hope, Michelle shows how God allows us to ‘go our own way,’ but also how He gently woos us back into His forgiveness and restoration. Michelle's novel demonstrates that it is Christ in us that is our only hope of glory. I highly recommend it.&quot;<br /><br /> Lisa Sinnock<br /><br /> &quot;Michelle Sutton is a talented writer. I commend her for tackling such a provocative subject. I opened this book up and three days later, I was done. I laughed, I cried, I fell in love, I got angry and I understood Hope's desperation. When she makes the decision to start the affair, I screamed, but like her friends, I didn't condone it, but I understood it. I see the ministry in the story and believe everyone that reads Hope's story will fall in love with her and root for her family to be restored. I love how Michelle has made Christian Fiction edgy while still being a true source of ministry. Never Without Hope appeals to both the believer and nonbeliever. Bravo! I look forward to reading more of her books.&quot;<br /><br /> Tracy Reed<br /><br /> “I've read several of Michelle Sutton's novels. Each one is a page turner. Her style is unique and captivating. Never Without Hope, is probably the most intense one of them all. Michelle addresses a major problem that most Christians wouldn't dare touch because they consider the subject taboo. But the sad truth is, more and more Christians are falling victim to the enticing lure of adultery and infidelity. Never Without Hope vividly shows the devastating consequences of adulterous actions, reveals the true-to-life inner struggles, the spiritual devastation, the trauma of all parties involved—innocent or otherwise—and the consequences of giving into the temptation of sin. Michelle does a fantastic job of showing God's tender mercy, His loving kindness, His forgiveness, and His grace-filled restoring power.”<br /><br /> Debra Ullrick, author of The Bride Wore Coveralls</p>