Chazda Albright

Chazda Albright


L. K. Chazda Albright is a self-taught artist withMajors in English and Philosophy and a Degree in Residential Design.  In 2002 Albright moved from the westerncoast of America to the Hessen Region of Germany with her husband, and in 2006they had a daughter.


Under the penname Stevie Burns, Chazda is known as astraight-talking erotica writer and painter who from 2003 to 2006 edited,designed, and published other people’s work as well as her own through eroticaezine Voractiy the Erotica Beat and a small independent press called BookerGirl.  Her popular Mrs. Sauceboxeditorials are now anthologized in Sex and Many Chiropractor Bills,which includes an award winning erotica short story.


Albright has had her artwork showcased in a number ofsolo exhibitions scattered throughout the western US and Homburg, Germany.  She has memberships in many writing,illustration and design groups and posts regularly at her blog,


Currently, Chazda is writing a fantasy thrillerscreenplay and drawing illustrations for her next children’s book.


To find out more about Chazda and her work, pleasevisit her ePortfolio at



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<p>HIDDEN DOORS, SECRET ROOMS - a paranormal suspense:<br />&quot;Superbly crafted and flawlessly executed, Eubanks doles out both plot and back-story in small doses, expertly keeping readers turning page after page...This is a phenomenal first novel; an excellent read for anyone who loves mystery, and would-be writers who want to learn exactly how it’s done.&quot; - KIRKUS REVIEWS<br /><br />Jillian Braedon possesses a secret so explosive that she must be silenced. On the run with her five-year-old daughter, stranded in the middle of a blizzard and critically injured, Jill sends little Valerie off into the raging storm alone. The child stumbles onto the property of retired musician-turned-recluse, John Mills, begging for help. John soon finds himself caught up in their torment, and face-to-face with the pursuing covert agents, who will do anything to destroy the secret, and silence everyone involved.</p>

Story Behind The Book
