Katie Salidas

Katie Salidas


The youngest of four children, Katie has always had a desire toentertain. Since, early childhood, she's dreamed fantastical charactersand scribbled them into pages of various journals and notebooks. Takingan interest in vampires, she devoured every book, featuring those bloodsucking creatures, in any genre she could find.

It was only natural that a love of reading vampire stories, turned into a love to write them.

 Katieis also a Las Vegas native, having grown up in the famed City of Sin.She loves to feature it as a recurring setting for many of herstories. 

Dead Burn

Dead Burn

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<p>Terrified California residents face the shocking dilemma of yet another serial killer roaming freely in their neighborhoods. However, this time it is an evolving serial killer anomaly that relentlessly searches for, hunts down, and ingeniously traps his victims before unleashing his fiery rage. Always two steps ahead of the cops and fire investigators, the killer hones in on the next sinful target leaving a trail of bones and ashes behind as evidence. It rocks the criminal justice system to the core as a string of arson murders hits inside their turf.</p><p>Vigilante detective Emily Stone hunts serial killers and child abductors, covertly and under the law enforcement radar, with her intrinsic skills of criminal profiling and forensic investigation. With Stone’s toughest case yet, the arson serial killer immediately crosses her radar and sends her into the dark territory of a lethal pyromaniac’s mind – to the point of no return.</p><p>While following the clues of the relentless firebomber, Stone grabs the attention of a government anti-terrorist organization called GATE that oversees all law enforcement cases across the U.S., which now focuses their sights on her proven abilities. They have very specific plans for her, whether she likes it or not.</p><p>Everything teeters on the edge of reality, as Stone must battle for her life between a hired assassin and an arson serial killer. Lines are drawn on both sides of the law. Friendships and lovers are tested.</p>

Story Behind The Book


The hapless victim of a brutal mugging, Alyssa lies bleeding to death, convinced that her life is coming to an end - that is, until she's rescued by the most unlikely of heroes: Lysander, an otherwise indifferent vampire who promptly sinks his teeth into her neck and bestows upon her the gift of immortality. Little does Alyssa know, though, the gift eventually becomes a curse, for it ultimately means the loss of friends, family, and life as she's come to know it. Stripped of her humanity, Alyssa soon joins Lysander as a host of powerful enemies converge against them, each bent on their destruction, and only by embracing her newfound powers - and her blossoming new union with Lysander - does she have the slightest chance of survival... <br /><br />Gripping and fast-paced, Immortalis Carpe Noctem is a riveting read. In it, author Katie Salidas presents an action-packed tale of a mythical dark underworld that stands out from the garden variety vampire lore currently dominating the rank and file of pop culture. Through the tortuous exploits of her protagonist, Salidas takes the reader on a vicarious journey deep into the heart of a hidden society rife with intriguing characters and intricate plotlines, all of which merge into a seamless mix of mystery, drama, and suspense. Furthermore, with a genuine nod to the supernatural, Immortalis maintains an edge of authenticity that tends to escape other vampire tales crafted solely for superficial shock value. <br /><br />The first installment in what promises to be a superb new series, Immortalis Carpe Noctem is the promising debut from a burgeoning literary talent on the rise. A strongly recommended read. <br /><br /><br />Renee Washburn <br />Apex Reviews