Frank S. Adamo

Frank S. Adamo


A Communication Skills Specialist, international trainer/instructor, and a published author, Frank S. Adamo's mission is to take individuals from being uncomfortable when giving presentations, or otherwise speaking in public, to becoming Spotlight Presenters, where they are knowledgeable and confident as they step into the spotlight.

Since 2002 Frank S. Adamo has been receiving enthusiastic reviews for his workshops, presentations and keynotes throughout the United States and as far away as Georgia in Eastern Europe and Indonesia in Southeast Asia.   Frank's philosophy is instilled in his recent contribution to such books Discover your Inner Strength with Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard, and Stephen Covey; and Yes You Can! with the legendary Jim Rohn and Dr. Warren Bennis. Many organizations including the Calgary Toastmasters Leadership Institute and Lions International have engaged Frank to empower audiences through his inspirational workshop, Believe in Yourself—Achieve your Dreams.

Based on his published book, 31 Tips to Becoming an Effective Presenter, and his forthcoming book, 31 Steps to Feeling Comfortable and Being Confident when Speaking in Public, Frank applies his analytical skills as a chemist to train technical professionals to spice up technical presentations into meaningful, exciting and enlightening experiences. His passion to inspire others to be comfortable when speaking in public has empowered a multitude of technical and non-technical professionals to be relaxed, self-assured speakers with every presentation they give.

Frank has been described by audience members as “a great presenter,” “very organized,” “well prepared with moral lessons,”  “a very skillful communication coach,” “an experienced speaker who inspired and encouraged one’s true self,” “extremely motivational,” “truly trained and professional,”  “very dedicated person ,“ “talented writer, researcher, speaker.” The testimonial that means the most to him is: “Frank is caring and compassionate”

Ever since he was a young boy, Frank wanted to help others. Movies like To Sir, with Love, where a teacher transformed a class of juvenile delinquents into young, outstanding adults and the original 1950 Broken Arrow, where an ex-Calvary soldier befriended Cochise and the Apaches helped mold Frank’s passion to serve others with compassion. The themes from these films about personal growth, service, and acceptance of others are at the heart of every presentation he gives.

Frank has inspired others to believe in themselves, reignite their dreams, and take charge of their lives. Connect with Frank in the manner that suits you best so his workshops, keynotes, and books can benefit your audiences

Frank S. Adamo and

Through the Eyes of Maria: Choices

Through the Eyes of Maria: Choices

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<p>Maria hits the streets of New York in search of the love denied by her alcoholic father and indifferent mother. When Sergio, a dark, worldly stranger, lures her with diamonds, brand-name clothing, and undivided attention, Maria sees a way out of her dysfunctional home. Seduced by Sergio’s charm and the promise of wealth and recognition, Maria ignores her panicked intuition and wanders into his lair.<br /><br />But in a world where ambition and deception go hand in hand, where dreams are shattered and innocence crushed, Maria discovers she’s trapped in a hell much worse than the one she left. And now, there is no escape. The price for betrayal is blood.<br /><br />Destiny intervenes when Maria meets Christian, a handsome law student haunted by a dark family secret. With her life at risk and time running out, will Maria find the strength to save herself and convince Christian to go against all reason and risk everything to help her?</p>

Story Behind The Book

I was approached by Insight Publishing to give an interview which would be a chapter in the book, "Discover your Inner Strength." Because this is part of what I present, I accepted.


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