Jess C Scott

Jess C Scott


I write edgy/contemporary novels, and am an author + artist + general non-conformist ;)

My first two books (EyeLeash: A Blog Novel, and 4:Play)are multiple-genre-crossing. I enjoy including psychological andemotional elements in my work, as I believe this adds a level of depthand authenticity to the story + characters.

+ Zodiac: Virgo sun, Pisces moon, Aries rising.

+ More info on my bio page.

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book


“EXCELLENT work on your final project - one of the best I’ve seen…you are an excellent writer and I’ve really enjoyed having you in class. Your final grade on the project is 400/400 = A.”<br /><em>— Advertising professor’s comments, May 2010</em><br /><br />“Had my first YA novel with an agent at Trident Media Group last fall. She sent it to Harper Collins, and Penguin. Positive feedback, but no one bought…when I contacted my agent a couple months ago, she said she’s no longer with the agency…I never heard back. Your brilliant paper is helping me jump over the mental hurdle that is traditional publishing.”<br /><em>— email from a reader/writer, July 2010</em><br /><br />“The exact same thing is happening with film. You’re on the right track!”<br /><em>—Su-An Ng, Designer / Animator / Filmmaker (won the 2nd Place Legacy Award at the 2010 Vancouver Women in Film Festival)</em>