Emanuel Ekwo

Emanuel Ekwo


The author is a member of the Campus Crusade for Christ International, founded by the late Dr. Bill Bright (1921-2003), and a member of the International Charismatic Bible Ministries led by the charismatic evangelist, Oral Roberts, who recently went to be with the Lord. I am also the co-founder of EmmaDave World Outreach – a missionary focused ministry with commission to depopulate hell to populate Heaven. My ministry objective is to disciple people into God's kingdom, helping them understand their gifts, abilities, and potentials in Christ Jesus.

A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal

A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal

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<p>Do angels, ghosts and demons really exist, or are they a figment of our over active imagination? Can ghosts, demons and spirits harm you? If you don't believe in them they can't bother you right? How can you protect yourself against the paranormal? Do we live once and it's all over or do we come back time and again to live new lives? In this book, you will gain information about the paranormal from a psychic-mediums perspective. As a psychic medium I have gathered a lot of information about the other side. The book covers over more than 40 years of paranormal related information interspersed with my own personal paranormal encounters. Anyone who is interested in the paranormal including ghosts, demons, orbs and hauntings will enjoy the many topics covered in this book. Those interested in spiritualism, new age topics and metaphysics will find many of the chapters such as past lives, possession and death and the soul connection. People who are experiencing their own paranormal occurrences such as hauntings and spirit attachments will find help and information to help them. People of all ages, walks of life and many religions will find something of interest in the book. Even those who do not believe in the paranormal will enjoy many of the thought provoking topics covered in this book.</p>

Story Behind The Book

But through all these pandemonium, one thing has kept bugging my mind. Why 9-11? Why did Bin Laden and his terror brigade chose that particular September morning to unleash their terror on America and the contemporary world. I mean, only a little hyphenation separates it from the largely fateful and awe-inspiring emergency code 911 that often signals a dire situation in America. One can speculate that the terrorists settled on that fateful date for the mundane reason that the monumental tragedies they would wrought on the so-called western civilization would serve as an unforgettable warning to the Americans and the world at large of more tragic terrors ahead and hence of many more reasons for the citizens of the world to dial 911. As you can see, this is mere speculation for it is not a gift given to any sane human being to decipher what goes on in the mind of a suicidal terrorist. But whatever way you view it, 9-11 has ceased to be just a calendar day. It has become an end and a beginning of a new era, a watershed to a new life of modified freedom and abbreviated openness that has dawned on America - “land of the free and home of the brave”. Hence one often reads and overhears, even as I write this book, a pre-9-11 and a post-9-11 America or world. And I have every reason to suspect that for many centuries to come this earth-shattering event of September 11, 2001 will be chronicled with the ancient formulary of groundbreaking events
