Jim Magwood

Jim Magwood


Jim Magwood was born too many years ago in Vancouver, Canada. He was dragged south across the border by his parents when he was too young to protest and has lived in California the rest of his life.

He entered the military right after high school, then attended college and began a career in business. His military work and various business management positions had him traveling to many parts of the world and he remembers well the beauty (as well as the poverty and unrest) of so many places.

He retired early and moved from the city to his quiet country place in Twin Oaks, California. The loudest noises now are some howling coyotes and a million raucous birds. The rabbits and quail have come to recognize that Shiloh (the ranch) is a sanctuary for them, so they hang around every day looking for handouts.

Jim just hangs around the ranch trying to be a hermit (at least that's what a lot of people think.) He does still manage to get shaved once in a while and can look half-way presentable when someone comes up the driveway (if given enough warning.)

Jim's work now appears to be writing. SANCTION took about ten years to finish, as it was written in bits and pieces. However, right after it was finished and sent to the publisher, what was left of the old mind began churning and there may be another few novels coming out in the future. Don't hold your breath, but... THE LESSER EVIL is presently looking for a publisher, and COP is almost finished.

Friends in High Places

Friends in High Places

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<p>FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES<br /><br />At barely nineteen, Angelica Donovan became one of the more successful winners of the T.V. show Our Next Super Model. The world assumed she was destined for a happy, fairy tale life as ‘Angel,’ the beautiful girl who was living the dream; sadly, that wasn’t to be the case. As the years passed, she flashed her million dollar smile to all her fans and fought to stay on top in a profession where you never knew who it was safe to trust while the fashion industry took big bites out of her heart and soul. And trust was a constant challenge for Angel due to the painful childhood secret she guarded as carefully as she did her heart. As a result, she never did find her true love on earth.<br /><br />When she wakes up ‘dead’ from a heart condition a month before her thirty-fifth birthday, Angel is at first relieved to find there is no death, just a change of state, like ice to water, and then she’s scared because her biggest and most important adventure is about to begin.<br /><br />Angelica is chosen to be an angel in training as a spirit guide for three souls on earth! Her assignment is to help two women to gain the courage and confidence to find, recognize and embrace the love that had eluded Angel in life. But her biggest challenge will be to save a very special little girl from the same evil experience that had poisoned Angel’s own earthly happiness and altered the course of her life.<br /><br />Will Angel be able to heal her own shattered soul in the process? And will the three souls she is guiding be able to recognize her, not as a ghostly threat, but as one of those ‘friends in high places’ we all have; the kind who often end up earning their wings.<br /><br /> </p>

Story Behind The Book

Sanction is a story of that world in chaos; a world that is being driven to an unknown end—with the acquiescence of the majority of the people. Computer hacking, missile attacks, cold-blooded murder and pure evil haunt the world as The Plan progresses. Can people give away the control of their lives, then retake that control? What can be important enough in a world that has been given away to cause people to fight to take it back? A small group of men from diverse backgrounds do see the essence of what is happening and have determined to fight to reclaim the spirit of the world. But, can they actually combat the powers that are trying to take over? The fate of the world rests in their hands…or does it? Sanction is an intense novel about a world on the verge of being taken over by an evil that is not understood—a force not able to be controlled. It’s a novel about today.


<span style="background-color:#00ffff;"><em><strong style="background-color:#ffffff;">FROM <span style="text-decoration:underline;">YOU GOTTA READ REVIEWS - June 16, 2009</span></strong><br /><br /></em></span><span style="background-color:#00ffff;"><em><span style="background-color:#ffffff;">Around the world, there are many violent events occurring that do not seem to be connected. Universities being blown up, naval ships disappearing, government files being hacked, missile launches, and innocent people being killed for no reason. What if a group of individuals who would not normally be connected were controlling these events in order to implement the Plan. These individuals are powerful people within their own countries and are grouping together quietly to eventually control the world. This book covers the lives of the most powerful men in the world on both sides of this silent war as they both try to bring the outcome they want.<br /><br /></span></em></span><span style="background-color:#00ffff;"><span style="background-color:#ffffff;">I found this story very compelling. The plot line was scary, as you could actually see how this could happen in real life and wonder whether the governments of the world would actually be able to stop it quickly enough. I definitely think the topic of this book is something I would like to read more about. <br /><br />Once I had got about 50 pages in, I actually couldn't put the book down, as snippets of information were given to me as the book went on, I would actually sit there and say 'Oh my god!' I could actually see this happening! All I can say is Nostradamus - move over, there is a new prophet in town.<br /></span></span>