Langdon Hues

Langdon Hues


"You know I'm a dreamer, with a heart of gold. I had to run away high, so I didn't come back..." Oh wait a minute, that's a Motley Crue song. I'm a 40 year old guy who thought life ended at 30, but then realized it's just beginning. So know I'm just enjoying life as best I can and living off what I've learned, while still learning everyday.

Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book

After spending some time in a sober house with eight other guys I became close with most of them. One in particular spent all of his time trying to calculate the end of the world. He often told me how the devil was to rise and the ensuing Ameggedon would occur. That's when I asked the question "What if the devil rose remorseful for what he has done, wanted to make up for all of his sins. Nobody would trust him even though he would be the best canidate to take away all of the evils of the world (because really, who better qualified?) And every one would discredit this possibility because of what they were taught by their elders, be it right or wrong. I also asked myself "How would I take over the world if I were the devil?" Giving an exact time and method as to how I would do it, and what I'd do once it were done.


<p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;text-indent:.5in;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong><em>“An absorbing novel written in a similar existential-conversation style as Scott Adams' &quot;God's Debris&quot;, Langdon Hues' &quot;Far Behind&quot; follows the speculation of &quot;what if the Devil's 2012 reawakening were to come from the Devil's remorse?&quot; Touching upon the gamut of negative human emotions and conditions, from addiction to runaway anger and murder to the eternal, internal struggle between the selfish and the selfless that rages within, Far Behind in insightful, intriguing, and sure to provoke extended reflection and contemplation within the reader, as well as anticipation in the forthcoming sequel that speculates on how the Devil might (justly? benevolently?) take over the world! Highly recommended!” </em></strong><em><span><span>       </span></span></em><em><span>Midwest</span></em><em><span> Book Review<span>      </span></span></em><em><span>8/6/2010</span></em><strong><em></em></strong></span></font><em></em></p> <p></p>