Linda Nelson

Linda Nelson


Linda Nelson published her first YA romance in 2013. She is a self-published author who began her writing career in 2010 as just a Fantasy & YA Writer. Now it is all about the romance, a huge career change that took place in the past couple of years when she discovered RWA. Fantasy is her favorite genre to read and write, and her favorite way to escape the day to day life. When she writes YA contemporary she loves to infuse them with conflict, the more, the better. Linda works a full time job by day and writes at night and on the weekends. When she took the plunge into publishing, she jumped into the stream of self-publishing, learning everything the hard way. She was a native of Massachusetts but migrated to Southern New Hampshire.



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Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book

I started writing Friends of Choice back in 2008. This was when my son and daughter were experiencing their own problems. They are both young adults themselves. Their problems kept escalating from the friendships they chose to keep. Friends who did not use good judgment. They would get drawn into the wrong crowd and have to deal with the consequences. I learned early on, how I had no control over who they chose to be friends with. I would have to stay in the background and just shake my head over their choices. Agonizing over all their problems gave me even more strength and desire to write Friends of Choice. My final desire was for the story to be a warning piece without sounding like I was preaching to the reader. I left the ending of the story line open for two reasons. Yes there will be a sequel and the other reason is to prompt the reader to ponder over what the outcome could really be for the characters in the story. Teens now a days, seem to act without thinking about consequences.
