Helena Harper

Helena Harper


I'm a poet, children's author and teacher. My aim with my writing is to try to give people joy, laughter, some food for thought, and to try and bring some inspiring messages to my readers. I like to write poetry for adults and picture books/early readers. My first two books are stories in verse and have been inspired by my professional and personal life. The first book is called It's a Teacher's Life...! and my second book is called Family and More - Enemies or Friends?  which is available in paperback and Kindle, as well as Kindle apps for the iPhone, iTouch and iPad. The vision that inspired this book can be summed up as follows: every encounter we have in life can be a force for good and, if we see with the heart, we'll know that only man-made differences divide us. The fact that I come from a German/English background was a key factor in inspiring me to write this book. 

My third book is a children's picture book, entitled 'Pep, Polish and Paint'. The story is set in space (I've always been fascinated by space) and it involves a sun that's lost his shine and three spaceships. It's all about taking action and discovering the power within to achieve whatever you want to achieve.

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book

“The inspiration for Pep, Polish & Paint came one starry night as I was walking home from work. I looked up at the stars in the night sky and imagined what would happen if one of those stars just went out. Who or what would be around in space to help a star that had lost its shine? Spaceships, of course! And so the story was born. That was 15 years ago. Since then, I have time and again thought of Sammy and have drawn inspiration from him and his decision to take action in order to transform the story from a collection of handwritten lines into a fully illustrated, published book and make my goal a reality. Children may think, perhaps, that there is little they can do in a world of adults. But that is far from the case. There are numerous stories about children making a difference because they made a decision and took some action – which is what we all need to do if we wish to take responsibility for our lives. My hope is that those who read this story, whether young or old, will be inspired to take some action to realise a goal that is close to their hearts. And perhaps - when they in future look up at the night sky – they'll think of Sammy the sun and how making a decision and taking action changed the course of his life.”
