Charles E Cox Jr

Charles E Cox Jr


I'm a native of Saint Paul, MN. I have spent the better part of fifteen years working in the fields of Construction and Real Estate. I currently reside in South Minneapolis, MN.

Second Book of the Gastar Series: Children of Discord

Second Book of the Gastar Series: Children of Discord

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<p>In the second of the four-part series of novellas, teen assassin Shevata re-enters the city of Gastar two centuries later, seeking the evil boy Goldeon as he plots destruction of the city.  The clash of the dangerous kids from the past affect the entire city, placing the people in danger.  Shevata also reflects back on her past actions and decisions and takes steps to re-claim her own humanity. Kindle, ebook versions to follow.</p>

Story Behind The Book

The inspiration for “Life Is a Business! Manage It Better So You’ll Enjoy It More” didn’t come from my success—it came from my failure. In my personal life, I didn’t adhere to a strict household budget or routinely balance my checkbook. I made poor purchasing decisions and kept sloppy accounting records. I didn’t spend time thinking about relationships with my family and friends. I just let my life go on without much planning or caretaking. In business, I excelled. I amassed more than four million dollars in real estate. I lived in a gated community, invested in rental properties and bought whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. It seemed like I was doing everything right. But, in fact, I was doing everything wrong. Unfortunately, by the time I discovered I was doing it all wrong, it was too late. I systematically destroyed my business. I used my credit irresponsibly and continually made knee jerk buying decisions. I had no real accounting system and the business grew at a rate that was unsustainable. I repeatedly made bad business decisions and, as a result, bankrupted my corporation. Once the dust settled—after the home in the gated community was gone, the cars repossessed, credit cards defaulted on, foreclosure on my rental properties, and bank account wiped out—I began to reflect on my actions. I asked myself over and over, “What did I do wrong?” The answers came to me, but not overnight. In fact, it took years to examine both my personal and professional life to figure it all out. But clarity came one day in a single flash—like being hit in the head with a 90 mile an hour fast ball. I needed to manage my life like the business that it is. How we run our lives mirrors how CEOs run businesses. We need to pay attention to financials, nurture relationships, and become good problem-solvers. We have to look to the future and plan for it. And we have to pay attention to the details—when we take care of the small things, the big things practically take care of themselves. My life has changed and so can yours. I started managing my life towards prosperity and identified nine key principles that I’ve outlined in this book. It’s my hope that, by sharing this information with you, you will develop a burning desire to manage your life for a better, more prosperous future too. It takes discipline but it isn’t difficult. You can live a full and rewarding life and experience towards the prosperity that awaits us all.


<p class="MsoNormal">The Life Is A Business! book clearly defines nine important principles that productive citizens seeking prosperous lifestyles should follow.<span>  </span>I commend Charles Cox on sharing his business experiences and turning lessons learned into strategies for success.<span>  </span>I look forward to sharing this book with all my students and colleagues in higher education. </p> <p style="text-align:right;line-height:normal;margin-bottom:0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"><span> </span>Tina M. Jackson, Community College Professor<span>   </span></p> <p style="text-align:right;line-height:normal;margin-bottom:0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right">Founder of “Surviving the Game”</p> <p style="text-align:right;line-height:normal;margin-bottom:0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"></p> <p style="text-align:right;line-height:normal;margin-bottom:0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"></p>