Carol Denbow

Carol Denbow


Carol Denbow is the founder of Plain & Simple Books Publishing as well as authoring six non-fiction books since 2006. She has been interviewed online, in print, radio, and television. Some of her books include Are You Ready to Be Your Own Boss?, A Book Inside, How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Story, a popular book with aspiring as well as seasoned authors, and How to Market Your Book for Free (or really cheap).

Carol Denbow is the mother of two wonderful grown children and resides in the small community of North Bend, Oregon with her husband Craig. She enjoys to gardening, writing, and golfing. Visit Carol’s Websites at and

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys

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<span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Calibri, 'sans-serif';font-size:11pt;"><span style="font-family:Calibri;">Peter and the Whimper-Whineys is about a small rabbit who whines all the time. His mother cautions him that if he keeps on whining and crying, he’ll have to go live with the Whimper-Whineys. One night Peter hops into the dark forest.<span>  </span>He meets some Whimper-Whineymen and discovers that not only do the Whimper-Whineys whine all the time, but they are very ill-mannered and rude. He discovers that everything is sour in Whimper-Whineyland and decides his mother was right! If only he can get back home… a recent critique, “Though there are other books out there for children about whining, I cannot imagine any parent or guardian not wanting to read this book to their child!... <span> </span>Parents everywhere applaud you!” </span></span>

Story Behind The Book

“Never was a journalist, editor, or writer in any form, and only once in my lifetime did I read an entire book cover-to-cover (and that was only 100 pages). Absolutely despised essay assignments in my English classes; that’s right, no interest at all! So why in 2002 did I decide to write a book, good question! In 1986 I went into business for myself and left the rest of those poor nine-to-five working saps behind. As it turned out, in my glamorous new position as “the boss,” nine-to-five became only a dream I had once lived and that weak minimum wage job I had left paid the bills more steadily than my new found “riches.” In addition to spending the following 15 years in a continual struggle for financial freedom and status, stress took its toll and I became ill. Financial creativity played a strong roll in my ability to retire at the age of 42. All said and done, I walked away happy and healthy once again. Along my self-employment journey I would constantly wonder why wasn’t the truth of self-employment apparent to me before I jumped in to this venture? So I did the unimaginable; I read some business books. I found that virtually none of the business start-up books I read told the truth. Oh, they educated the reader on the “business” aspect of being self-employed, but none spoke of the real truths; family stress, bad locations, employees, bank loans, partnerships, etc. Seeing the need for those “poor working saps” to know these truths became my inspiration for writing my first book, Are You Ready to Be Your Own Boss? That was the beginning; I was hooked. Next came my stress relief book for the ones who were already in business. Then of course after writing and publishing two books, I had to write the next one on writing and publishing. Writing can be addictive and frustrating as well as healthy and fulfilling. The good, the bad, and the book that can’t find a publisher, it’s all there when you’re an author. But seeing your book in print and knowing that someone somewhere has paid money to read what you have to say, gives you a real sense of accomplishment and a warm and fuzzy feeling unlike any other. Still not thrilled reading books, but I find it to be my loss that I never pursued writing before this point in my life, but a treasured gain for me now. I am a retired business owner, mom of two awesome kids, and the author or co-author of six non-fiction books. I share my writing and publishing experience with forthcoming authors through my blog at, Visit my primary websites at and”


<p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:Verdana, 'sans-serif';color:#000000;font-size:10pt;">“It seems that every season there are more and more 'how to' books being published for aspiring writers yearning to be published. One of the latest is also one of the best. &quot;A Book Inside: How To Write, Publish, And Sell Your Story&quot; is a succinct 104-page compendium packed from cover to cover with practical, real-world information, strategies and techniques dealing with the necessity for completing a saleable manuscript, compiling its pages into book form, identifying and selecting an appropriate publishing option, selling the book in traditional and non-traditional markets, and publicizing, promoting, and marketing the book without significant capital expense. Carol Denbow writes with a particular, experienced-based expertise as the author of three books and the editor of nine websites including 'A Book Inside' online. Especially appropriate for, and recommended to, the novice author needing to master the 'learning curve' for become a successfully published author in today's highly competitive m</span><span style="color:#000000;"><font size="3"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">arketplace, &quot;A Book Inside&quot; is a welcome and highly recommended addition to personal and professional Writing/Publishing reference shelves.”</span></font></span></p><p></p> <p style="text-align:right;margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"><span style="color:#000000;"><br /><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">--Midwest Book Review, <br />Oregon, WI USA<br /><br /></font></font></span></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="color:#000000;">“I consider myself to be fairly involved in the </span><a href="">publishing</a><span style="color:#000000;"> world. I’m a writer, publisher, and book marketing expert. I make my living by either being published, or through publishing myself. As a result, I have a really good grasp on the ins and outs of the publishing world. One of the more frequent questions asked from writers or those interested in becoming an author is how to get published. What is involved? How does the publishing process work? Are agents involved, or does one go the route of self-publishing these days?<br /><br />The questions are many, and there is no one </span>way to answer them all. It really depends on what you – the author or writer – is looking for and expecting to get out of the publishing process that will dictate the answers to these questions. Therefore, I was quite thrilled when I got a copy of <a href="">Carol Denbow’s</a> book, <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside, How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Story</a>in the mail for review. Could this book help answer all of the questions I get on a regular basis. It would be much easier, and more beneficial for everyone involved, if I could point them in the direction of a really honest, comprehensive, and useful resource. Although not perfect, I’m glad to say that Carol’s book is one of the best I’ve seen on introducing the writer to the publishing process.<br /><br />Composed of eight solid chapters, <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside</a>starts<span style="color:#000000;"> at the beginning and walks you through the entire process. Beginning with writing your story, the book covers the basics of book writing – from copyright law to research, cover art, and professional editing – and delves into the differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing. Although these sections are well done, and important for any writer or book author to understand, what I really liked about </span><a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside</a>is that two other chapters were also included: <strong>Book Promotion and Selling Your Book</strong>.<br /><br />Often overlooked by most writers and authors, the process of actually getting your book into the hands of readers is almost more important then the actual writing of the book was. If no one is reading your book, what was the point of writing it? Carol offers up a series of sage advice on getting your book into the hands of readers, publicists, bookstores, libraries, and online outlets. Finally, <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside</a>also includes a ton of resources for successfully navigating the writing and publishing process.<br /><br />Although not exhaustive, <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside</a>is a good place to start for those who are interested in becoming authors. Alternatively, if you are simply looking for a comprehensive book on how to publish your family history or memoirs, or to self-publish your own story, <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside</a><span style="color:#000000;">takes you through each step. Either way, along </span>with <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1568601425">Dan Poynter's Self-Publishing Manual, 16th Edition: How to Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book (Self Publishing Manual),</a>Aaron Shepard's <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=093849743X">Aiming at Amazon: The NEW Business of Self Publishing, or How to Publish Your Books with Print on Demand and Online Book Marketing on</a>, and the annual <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1582975418">Writer's Market,</a>Carol’s book should be on most writers and authors shelves. I’ve been in the publishing business for over a decade – as both an author and a publisher – and I’m keeping my copy of <a href=";tag=thebauinsandp-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615199240">A Book Inside</a>on<span style="color:#000000;"> my shelf for easy reference. You should too.</span></p><p></p> <p style="text-align:right;margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right">Peter N. Jones, Ph.D.<br />Director: Bauu Institute and Press <a href=""></a><br />Publisher: Great New Books Reviewed <a href=""></a><br />Editor: Indigenous Issues Today <a href=""></a><br />Editor: Indigenous People's Issues &amp; Resources<br /><a href=""></a><span style="color:#000000;"></span></p><p></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="color:#000000;"></span></p><p> </p> <p style="text-align:right;margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"></p><p><br /><br /></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span><span style="color:#000000;">“Imagine your enhanced credibility for just writing what you know.</span> <span style="color:#000000;">Carol <span class="spelle">Denbow’s</span> book is your advisor, guide and plan.”</span></span></p> <p style="text-align:right;margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"><span style="color:#000000;"><span>--Dan Poynter, <br /><em>The Self-Publishing Manual</em>, </span><a href=""><span></span></a></span></p><p></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"></p><p><span> </span></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span>“If you're even thinking about writing a book, you need to read this book first. It's well-organized, informative, easy-to-follow and includes handy end-of-chapter checklists to keep you on track.”</span></p> <p style="text-align:right;margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal" align="right"><span>--Patricia Fry, <br />Author of 28 books--eleven of them on publishing. </span><a href=""><span></span></a><span></span></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span></span></p><p><span> </span></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span></span></p><p><span> </span></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span><span>&quot;There's nothing more difficult and nothing more rewarding than writing a book. In this fact-packed tutorial, Carol Denbow takes writers by the hand and leads them on that long journey to print. Any writer setting out on that journey would do well to take <em>A Book Inside</em> along with their laptop.”</span></span></p><p></p><pre style="text-align:right;"><span style="font-size:12pt;">—</span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Clifford Thurlow, </span></pre><p></p><pre style="text-align:right;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Author of <em>Making Short Films: The complete Guide from Script to Screen.</em></span><span style="font-size:12pt;"></span></pre><p></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><em><span></span></em></p><p><span> </span></p> <p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span><span>“<em>A Book Inside</em> should be every writer’s first stop in the publishing process. This helpful book guides writers through the book publishing business from idea to publication to marketing and beyond!”</span></span></p><p></p><pre style="text-align:right;"><span style="font-size:12pt;">—</span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Rochelle Melander, </span></pre><p></p><pre style="text-align:right;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Author, Writing Coach, and founder of <em>Dream Keepers</em>, a writing program for teens.</span></pre><p></p>