John Jung

John Jung


After a 40 year career as a Professor of Psychology, I pondered a question that I had avoided many times, namely, how did I, as a second-generation Chinese American fit in a black and white society in Macon, Georgia where we were the only Chinese in the entire city from the late '20s to early '50s when Jim Crow segregation was yet to be challenged. My attempt to understand how my ethnic identity emerged to my memoir, Southern Fried Rice: Life in A Chinese Laundry in the Deep South. I soon realized from responses of readers and audiences when I gave book talks/signings all over the U. S. that here was an important story to preserve and share. I met other Chinese that also grew up in cultural isolation where they were the only Chinese in their communities and/or they also grew up helping in their parents' laundry, restaurant, or grocery store. 

I was inspired to write three additional books, all exploring how Chinese immigrants from the late 1800s until beyond the middle of the past century managed to overcome the hostile societal prejudices against Chinese and other "Orientals" and succeed running family businesses such as laundries, grocery stores, and restaurants.

Writing and speaking about these 4 books led to many important but unanticipated discoveries and contacts with other Chinese Americans. In my fifth book, A Chinese American Odyssey: How a Retired Psychologist Makes a Hit as a HistorianI describe these experiences and discuss some important things I learned about writing, researching, publishing, and publicizing my books.

The Kurdish Connection

The Kurdish Connection

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<p><strong>KURDISH SCAVENGERS UNCOVER A CACHE OF NERVE GAS IN IRAQ AND OFFER THEM TO KURDISH FIGHTERS IN TURKEY. THE SPECIAL OPERATIONS BEDLAM ALPHA TEAM MUST SECURE THE WEAPONS BEFORE THEY CAN BE USED.</strong></p><p>&quot;<strong>You must swear by Allah never to say a word of what I'm going to tell you. </strong><strong>This is the most important secret. Ever!&quot;</strong></p><p><em>In their daily struggle for survival, Iraqi Kurdish scavengers uncover a cache of chemical weapons. They offer the weapons to fellow Kurdish rebels in Turkey and Syria to assist in their quest to free an imprisoned leader and create a unified homeland. After receiving a tip from an unlikely source, the newly formed Special Operations Bedlam team is called to arms! </em></p><p><em>Travel with Craig Cameron and his international team on their covert operation as they weave their way through war-torn regions seeking to locate and recover the weapons before they can be used to cause irreparable harm and instigate a world crisis. </em></p><p><em>The odds are stacked against them. Can they manage to keep their operation hidden and prevent further clashes before it's too late?</em></p><p>&quot;The Kurdish Connection--a compelling read. A story of friendship, danger and intrigue.&quot;--<em>Ann Everett, Amazon Best Selling Author.</em></p><p>..&quot;. Randall's authentic voice adds a powerful push to keep a reader turning the pages.&quot; --<em>Janet Taylor-Perry, author of The</em><em> Raiford</em><em> Chronicles, The Legend of</em><em> Draconis</em><em> Saga, and April Chastain Intrigues.</em></p><p>&quot;Topical - Engaging - Intriguing - Powerful ... A real page turner.&quot;--<em>Rikon Gaites</em><em>, author of Mummy's Little Soldier and Darius</em><em> Odenkirk</em><em>.</em></p><p>..&quot;. Randall Krzak brings his wealth of experience living in this troubled part of the world and his military knowledge to bear in this exciting story...&quot;--<em>John L.</em><em> DeBoer</em><em>, author of When the Reaper Comes.</em></p><p>..&quot;. a journey full of history, suspense, intrigue, and action...a MUST READ for all!&quot;--<em>Les Stahl, Retired</em> NSA Executive.</p><p>..&quot;. Readers need to fasten their seatbelts for a fast-paced tale made believable by a writer who knows what he's writing about.&quot;--<em>Preston</em><em> Holtry</em><em>, author of the Morgan</em><em> Westphal</em><em> mystery series and the</em><em> Arrius</em><em> trilogy (forthcoming).</em></p><p>&quot;A behind the scenes story, ripped from today's headlines deepening the reader's understanding of an ancient strife ... filled with the sights and smells of the market place and secret meetings, the reader is admitted to the secret heart, the desperate longings of those that must fight and win, or see continued subjugation by their masters...&quot;<em>--Oliver F. Chase, author of Camelot Games, </em>Levant Mirage, Blind Marsh, and Marsh Island.</p>

Story Behind The Book

The average American knows very little about the Chinese restaurant. The average Chinese knows equally little, perhaps just a little more. Louis Chu, 1939, p. I Chinese restaurants today are one of the most popular cuisines in the U. S. and many other countries, but this was not the case until after the end of World War II. The story of how Chinese immigrants started family-run restaurants and made them successful is a fascinating one especially since most of them were started by Chinese immigrants with little or no cooking or restaurant expertise in the rural villages they came from.


<p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Grande', Arial, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;"><strong>Praise for &quot;Sweet and Sour: Life in Chinese Family Restaurants&quot;</strong><br /><br /> John Jung has taken us down another memory lane and this time we brought along our appetite. &quot;Sweet &amp; Sour&quot; evoked hundreds of memories of Chinatowns, favorite soul food dishes, haunts of opulent and garish banquet halls and the more frequented and beloved hole-in-the walls. These are the collective memories shared by families and friends. Sweet &amp; Sour is also an anthropological study. Chinese cooks across these United States and Canada created an everlasting love for Chinese food enjoyed by all cultures. Find a “chop suey” house and generations upon generations will cite their favorites, be it chow<span>mein, fried rice, beef brisket stew or even chicken feet. Without a doubt this is by far Jung’s best work and with the greatest universal appeal.<br /><strong>Sylvia Sun Minnick, &quot;Samfow: The San Joaquin Chinese Legacy&quot;</strong><br /><br /> John Jung again demonstrates a marvelous ability to blend archival data with fascinating first-person accounts to bring to life the family-operated Chinese eateries that are quickly disappearing from today’s society. Following solid historical groundwork, Jung uses narratives of 10 individuals who grew up in such places to take readers inside old-time chop suey houses. Their stories provide a candid telling of the personal, familial, and cultural significance of these familiar cafes. As with his earlier books on Chinese family-owned laundries and grocery stores, the author sheds a fresh and ample light on a subject even more familiar. And once again he does it so well from the inside out.<br /><strong>Mel Brown, &quot;Chinese Heart of Texas: The San Antonio Community 1875-1975.&quot;</strong><br /><br /> &quot;Sweet And Sour&quot; is a powerful historical exploration of an American institution: the family-owned Chinese restaurant. John Jung succeeds in bringing to life the exterior side of such Chinese eateries across the nation--their appearance, their location, and of course, their hybrid, Americanized menu offerings. In addition, by means of a variety of interviews and primary sources, he focuses attention as well on their little-known private side, the daily routines and harsh working conditions that made them run. Jung underlines the contributions of all family members, including children, that were necessary for success.<br /><strong>Greg Robinson, Prof. of History, University of Quebec, Montreal. &quot;A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America&quot;</strong><br /><br /> &quot;Sweet and Sour: Life in Chinese Family Restaurants&quot; tackles the long-neglected topic of Chinese food with a focus on Chinese restaurants. This well-researched, thoughtfully conceptualized monograph brings academic rigor and adds historical depth, as well as the perspectives of an insightful scholar and a second-generation Chinese American, to our understanding of the development of Chinese food in the realm of public consumption in the United States and Canada. It promises to elevate that understanding to a higher level... Through this book, I hope, consumers at the ubiquitous Chinese restaurants can also gain a deeper appreciation of historical forces and human experiences that have shaped the food they now enjoy.<br /><strong>Yong Chen,Professor of History, University of California, Irvine. &quot;San Francisco Chinese 1850-1943:A Trans-Pacific Community.&quot; </strong><br /><br /> &quot;Sweet and Sour&quot; covers many important aspects of the Chinese restaurant business and it is a great contribution to the study of Chinese food in America. This area really deserves more attention than it has had.<br /><strong>Haiming Liu, Professor of Ethnic and Women's Studies, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. &quot;The Transnational History of a Chinese Family. Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration,&quot; 2006. </strong></span></span></p>