Wayne Gerard Trotman

Wayne Gerard Trotman


Wayne Gerard Trotman is a British writer, filmmaker, artist, photographer, composer and producer of electronic music. Born in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Trotman immigrated to England in 1984, where he lives with his wife and two young sons.
A martial arts enthusiast, he wrote and directed ‘Ashes to Ashes’, Britain’s first martial arts feature-film. He has a cosmopolitan and multi-cultural approach to all his artistic work, which has received recognition internationally. His epic science-fiction novel, ‘Veterans of the Psychic Wars’, is the first of a proposed ‘Psychic Wars’ series.

Outta Time

Outta Time

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<p> </p><p>Sophie is a psychic medium and animal communicator. She runs a small crystal shop called, Outta Time. The shop</p><p>Is located in a small district called Lents in Portland, Oregon.</p><p>Nick is a man who if you can't touch it, feel it or see it then it doesn't exist. He is sure she is a phony psychic who is bilking money out of his mother and he intends to expose her.</p><p>Sophie sees him as a non-believer, someone who could never understand her or her way of life. She is attracted to him but knows there can be no future for them unless he can be made to understand what her world is all about.</p><p>Their Guardian Angels get into the act to guide the two to a better understanding of each other.</p><p>Nick's Guardians help his deceased Father get through to Nick and help him to understand that death is not the end. He soon learns there can be communication between the living and the dead.</p>

Story Behind The Book

The inspiration for this book came from a conversation I had with my mother when I was quite young. I was nine or ten years old when I complained that I felt that I didn’t belong. I said, “I think I’m an alien.” My mother replied, “Yes, you’re an alien.” We both laughed and the conversation moved to other things, but I always thought about what she said. I didn’t actually believe I was alien (at least I would never admit to that publicly) but I started thinking: what if a young man grew up believing he was a normal human being, only to find out one day that he was actually an alien from another galaxy? Wouldn’t that explain his feelings of alienation? Wouldn’t that make an interesting story?


<div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><p><strong>‘Star Wars’ meets ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ </strong>is a fine description of <em>Veterans of the Psychic Wars</em>, as long as you realize that the hero isn’t a wimp like Luke Skywalker and that the amazing warriors of Crouching Tiger would be toast before this story hits its stride. </p> <p class="style1">By <a href="http://reviews.thedeepening.com/2011/02/09/a-review-of-veterans-of-the-psychic-wars-by-wayne-gerard-trotman/"> Clayton Clifford Bye</a> (Ontario, Canada) - <a href="http://reviews.thedeepening.com/"> See all my reviews</a></p>Roman Doyle is an ordinary guy. He’s a 25 year-old British school teacher in a situation many will remember quite fondly. Roman is out on a 1 a.m. run for peanut butter and ice cream for his pregnant wife. But, mere moments after grabbing some cash from a banking machine he finds himself battling for his life against 5 intergalactic thugs. Knocked silly and forced to begin strangling himself at the psychic command of one of the thugs, Roman is rescued by Chi-Ro Jin, a veteran of the Psychic Wars. After rescuing him, Chi-Ro Jin (fu manchu mustache and all) insists that Roman is really Armon Sakara, who must now be returned to his father, the Emperor Sakara Rey. But first they must steal the enemy’s space ship in order to get off the planet, and then they must further avoid the minions of Baron Seti Aljyk, Armon’s evil uncle, who has usurped his father’s throne and brought about another Psychic War. <p>Okay, so it does sound like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Obi-wan and The Force. The choking thing sure seems like a nod to <em>Star Wars</em>, doesn’t it? But let me assure you, this is no made-for-the big screen, spoon-fed, pottage. In this story, we don’t have The Force. Instead, virtually every soldier is scientifically enhanced for psychic warfare and various forms of deadly martial arts. Like real life, some are good at what they do and some aren’t. The elite can create astral forms or become astral beings with the power to smite almost anything. One of the characters, a physicist, even postulates that the astral forms may be connected to black matter. As for others, the technical can only bring out and enhance what talent is already there.</p> <p>In <em>Star Wars</em>, an overwhelmed Luke must quickly learn to use the “mysterious” force or perish; in <em>Veterans of the Psychic Wars</em>, Roman is already a master in several disciplines of the martial arts but finds them terribly inadequate for the challenges he faces: real science must help him multiply his inherent talents. And when Roman’s psychic power reaches a certain level, it’s only then he becomes a force to be reckoned with. One example of this is the ability to glean knowledge telepathically by sharing minds with his teacher, Chi-Ro Jin and later in the story, with his many enemies.</p> <p>Okay, enough <em>Star Wars</em> and such. Writers borrow structure (plots) and ideas (androids, for example) all the time. Its what they do with them that matters. So, lets proceed on this basis: why should you buy and read <em>Veterans of the Psychic Wars</em>? First and foremost it’s science fiction all the way. It’s also strong story telling from someone who’s used to being behind a camera. Trotman, a veteran film maker, uses this experience to take us from one scene to another with blazing speed and precision. Unable to show us (visually) what’s in his view screen, Trotman must show us with words. This is something that’s all-important and that I think he does very well. Because, even though this is science fiction, good story telling comes first.</p> <p>With what must have been strenuous effort and research, Trotman ties his story inextricably to Earth’s human history, builds a realistic but distant galaxy where we’re introduced to all sorts of people, embroils us in close-up and planetary scaled battles and bombards us with information—not just as it would come to the character in the book, but from within the minds of many.</p> <p>Trotman has also created a language (maybe he borrowed one, but I can’t tell) for his book. Character names, spaceship names, planets, animals, phrases, etc. are all presented in this unknown language, and it took me most of the book before these alien words were rolling off my tongue with ease. This is something that will turn off many potential customers but should delight the true science fiction buff. Trotman doesn’t deal with “machine technical” unless absolutely necessary, but his attention to “language technical”is every bit as deep and intriguing as the former. An example of this would be the naming of each of the numerous and differing martial art forms and the way he describes some of the moves.</p> <p>So, while I confess to having difficulty with the first third of <em>Veterans of the Psychic Wars</em>: the author throws us headlong into a complex alien war that’s waged with weapons and techniques so advanced they seem like magic, and he expects us, at the same time, to follow a strange language which peppers the pages… It all works in the end: it’s as if we’re Roman, dropped into an alien life, and our heads are spinning with the newness of everything. We’ll come around in a while. And I’m just fine with that.</p> <p><a href="http://www.claytonbye.com/">Copyright © Clayton Clifford Bye 2011</a></p>____________________________________________________________<br /><span style="margin-right:5px;"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span><strong><br />Amazon.co.uk</strong><br />5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> </span><span style="vertical-align:middle;"><strong>A roller coaster of Space Opera</strong>, 23 Jan 2011</span> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"> <div> <div style="float:left;">By </div> <div style="float:left;"><a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/pdp/profile/A3697TKQMJBKJA/ref=cm_cr_pr_pdp"><span style="font-weight:bold;">M. Thompson &quot;Mike <span style="white-space:nowrap;">Thompson&quot;<span class="swSprite s_chevron custPopRight"></span></span></span></a> (London) </div></div></div><br /><br />This is a well written and well thought out book. From the outset it brings together the 'ordinary' in the main character (Roman Doyle) and the vastness of the galaxy with the psychic wars, spread over many worlds and beings. <br />It is obvious that much work went into working out the background (in the full book there are appendices on the characters, medals, and a glossary of terms from the Talisian language and the story). <br />The many characters are well crafted and do not change throughout the book (except due to events in the story). I found that I got a bit lost in all of the names, however, the author does ensure the reader knows the main names by using them often and in context. <br />It is not obvious from the Product Description of the vastness of the story world; during the initial stages of the book this is hinted at through Chi-Ro Jin, who provides history and background for Roman (and hence the reader). However, in the latter stages of the book, the reader begins to feel at first hand (through Roman himself) the hugeness and importance of the world that he is forced into. <br />The book had some of the imperialistic feel of Dune (Frank Herbert), the ideas from the Matrix (training within dream worlds), the Primes within the Talents (Anne McCaffrey), and the technology of Babylon 5 and Star Wars. <br />While I made rather heavy of the reading, I enjoyed the book and its ending. <br />For Kindle readers: this is the first 'self-published' book that I have read that has not had typos in it and was well laid out.<br /><br />____________________________________________________________<br /><br /><a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/0956787207/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&amp;showViewpoints=1">Amazon UK Reviews</a><br /><br /><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Veterans-Psychic-Wayne-Gerard-Trotman/product-reviews/0956787207/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&amp;showViewpoints=1">Amazon US Reviews</a><br /><br /><a style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10266883-veterans-of-the-psychic-wars#other_reviews">Goodreads</a><a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10266883-veterans-of-the-psychic-wars#other_reviews"> Reviews</a><br /><br /><a href="http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/34303">Smashwords Reviews</a>