Erik Tomblin

Erik Tomblin


Though I enjoyed writing stories at an early age, I spent a good deal of the 90s earning a B.A in Psychology and a Masters in Information Technology. My creative outlet came in the form of penning song lyrics instead of prose. After finally having a bit of life under my belt, I turned my attention back to fiction, writing several short stories that can be found both online and in print. The release of my novella, Riverside Blues, by award-winning publisher Earthling Publications was met with glowing reviews. While I also enjoy photography, reading, playing guitar and singing, I get the most joy from being a husband and father. 



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<p>When Jessica Bryant pesters her wealthy parents to allow her to have a dog as a pet, the answer is a resounding &quot;No&quot;; but they soon come to regret their decision when thier home is broken into one evening whilst they are out and their daughter kidnapped and held for ransom. The kidnappers, in the form of four seedy and incompetent characters wearing Disneyland-type masks, take her hostage and keep her incarcerated in a place from which there appears to be no escape. However, they reckon without the resourcefulness of our heroine, and the courage of a wonderful stray dog who comes to her aid and whom she names 'Murdo'. And so begins an exciting and humurous accounting of the couples' adventures together as they consistently foil and outwit the abductors whilst on the run together.<br /> This is a lovely story of the friendship between a girl and a dog, bringing out themes of responsibility, camaraderie, redemption, salvation and self-sacrifice. It includes some wonderful dialogue sequences as Jessica teaches her new four-legged friend how to communicate with her, with additional delightful conversations between the animals when a rabbit and a sparrow join forces with them in an effort to outwit the kidnappers and restore Jessica safely back to her parents' home. </p>

Story Behind The Book

With Riverside Blues, I wanted to write something that wasn’t premeditated. It started with a simple image as I sat behind my house at dusk looking at the edge of the woods: a woman walking out from the trees. From there, I put myself in the story and began answering the questions that came to mind. Who was she? Did I know her? Why is she there and where has she been?


<span style="color:#181818;font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:15px;line-height:16px;">&quot;In RIVERSIDE BLUES, Erik Tomblin attempts something highly audacious and succeeds, telling a chilling and bittersweet story of lost love regained. It's a unique and atmospheric blend of horror, mystery, and Southern Gothic, with an ending that fulfills my definition of perfection -- surprising yet inevitable. A dark and deeply felt gem from a writer well worth watching.&quot; — Chet Williamson</span>