William Manchee

William Manchee


William Manchee is an attorney by trade and practices law in Dallas with his son Jim. Originally from southern California, he lives now in Plano, Texas with his wife Janet of some 41 years. Manchee discovered his passion for writing late in life at age forty-eight and has vowed to write a novel every year for the rest of his life. So far he is on schedule as Tarizon: Conquest Earth is his seventeenth published novel. He is the author of the nine volume Stan Turner Mystery series inspired by many actual cases from his past. His other works include Death Pact, Plastic Gods, and a nonfiction book called Yes, We're Open, Defending the Small Business Under Siege which has been published in eight foreign countries as well as the United States.

Heir to a Prophecy

Heir to a Prophecy

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<p><span><span>Shakespeare's Witches tell Banquo, &quot;Thou Shalt 'Get Kings Though Thou Be None&quot;. Though Banquo is murdered, his son Fleance gets away. What happened to Fleance? What Kings? As Shakespeare's audience apparently knew, Banquo was the ancestor of the royal Stewart line. But the road to kingship had a most inauspicious beginning, and we follow Fleance into exile and death, bestowing the Witches' prophecy on his illegitimate son Walter. Born in Wales and raised in disgrace, Walter's efforts to understand Banquo's murder and honor his lineage take him on a long and treacherous journey through England and France before facing his destiny in Scotland.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book
