David Webb

David Webb


Born in 1962, I traveled around thecountry as an Army brat. After surviving almost 1502 trips in thefamily station wagon sandwiched between his brothers, I attended theU.S. Air Force Academy, received an MBA from Louisiana Tech andpresently flies for a major airline.

I live near Reading, Pennsylvania.

The Accursed King

The Accursed King

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<p><span style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">What happens when a king loses his prowess? The day Henry IV could finally declare he had vanquished his enemies, he threw it all away with an infamous deed. No English king had executed an archbishop before. And divine judgment was quick to follow. Many thought he was struck with leprosy—God's greatest punishment for sinners. From that point on, Henry's health was cursed and he fought doggedly on as his body continued to betray him—reducing this once great warrior to an invalid. Fortunately for England, his heir was ready and eager to take over. But Henry wasn't willing to relinquish what he had worked so hard to preserve. No one was going to take away his royal prerogative—not even Prince Hal. But Henry didn't count on Hal's dauntless nature, which threatened to tear the royal family apart.</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

I had to write a lot of these stories down or all of the funny, stupid and painful events might be forgotten. My family shouldn't forget this stuff, but you can enjoy it as well.


<span style="font-size:15px;">&quot;I loved this book! Though in years you are a wee bit younger than I, a lot of the tales would fit into my family (except Andy). I would read (sic) this book before going to sleep and it always left me feeling happy. Remembering things that happened in the &quot;old days&quot; was fun.</span><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">I can't wait to read your next book.&quot;</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">&quot;I enjoyed reading this honest, witty series of short stories based on the author's life. The language and style were very easy to get caught up in, and each story was just long enough to pick up and take a short break throughout the day, chuckling about the exploits of the author and his brothers. The humor is light-hearted, relate-able, and good, clean fun.&quot;</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">&quot;David Webb writes in an engaging and witty style, telling stories of growing up in a military family with two brothers to Air Force Academy days to vacations with his now grown up brothers. Oh, did I tell you he is also running for President and wants to get confession time out of the way first so he describes the “Burpee Seed” scandal to let his readers know what his opponents will be using in the campaign against him. He also lists several other escapades but, in a true politicians’ style, will deny any knowledge of these activities tomorrow. The conversion of a diesel truck to run on vegetable oil is a hilarious chapter and you’ll learn why you never want to do this. And David’s words of wisdom on car ownership are worth the price of the book.&quot;</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">&quot;Excellent Read&quot;</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">&quot;Amusing biography and tales of brotherhood woe&quot;</span>