Rain chapman

Rain chapman


I don't remember a time in my life when I did not read. Even now, everywhere I go, I always have a book near at hand. I spent years fantasizing about writing before I finally stopped dreaming and started doing. I'm living that dream now, and loving every moment!I published my first book, Heart of the Maze, a historical/paranormal romance, just over a year ago. I'm looking for help in its promotion.

She Does Not Fear the Snow

She Does Not Fear the Snow

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<p><font color="#000000" face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><span style="line-height:normal;">An Amazon #1 bestseller with 50+ glowing reviews. </span></font></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">Available in Kindle and print.</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">From the very start of her faith autobiography, ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow’, author Bobbie Ann Cole reaches out across the page and endears herself to her reader. You will very quickly feel that you know her, and will be richer for the knowledge. </span></p><div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;height:auto;"><div>She comes to Israel, seeking meaning and purpose for her life, following breast cancer and the demise of her long-standing marriage. There, God claims her and lays a trail of miracles that lead her from her native England to a new husband of faith in Atlantic Canada. <br />Though she is upfront about her ending, you’ll find yourself longing to learn the next step in her discovery of new love and deeper faith journey. This is one of those books you just can’t put down. Potentially, you’ll be following the twists and turns of her journey into the wee small hours. <br />‘A mysterious rug with a life-changing message, a Ruth-type love story, fascinating interactions with other believers, poetic descriptions of landscapes many native Canadians take for granted—and a message of God’s love and salvation,’ writes critic Margaret Welwood. ‘Bobbie Ann Cole’s story is a little too strange and untidy to be fiction. As a true story, it will leave you satisfied, yet wanting to know more.’ <br />‘Often times, life will take us to the end of our rope, leaving us helpless and at our wit’s end. Yet, even in such dire situations, our God is not helpless. He will bring in plentiful harvest – a harvest of renewal, hope, joy and happiness in our life,’ says Khamneithang Vaiphei. ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow is an incredible testimony that will have a profound impact on you.’ <br />If mystery, romance, women’s faith issues, the Jewish roots of Christianity, Christian living or outreach appeal to you, you will find much to enjoy.</div><div> </div></div>

Story Behind The Book

I started my writing journey as a poet. I had a poem and thought it was something special. With this thought foremost in my mind, I set out to find someone to publish it. Much to my dismay, not a single soul was interested. However, one very kind soul decided to have pity on me and suggest a writers site as a way of honing my budding skills. At first I was offended, me? need help? Never! Once I got past my ego, I took the advice and joined a wonderful site called FanStory.com. There I found a like-minded community of writers willing to share their knowledge with a newbie like me. Soon I was leaving poetry behind me and discovering the wonderful world of prose, I've never looked back. My book, Heart of the Maze, came about from a contest held by FanStory and Breathless Press. I bit my lower lip as I read the contest rules and my heart raced when I saw the prize was to be a publishing contract. I just had to try! And I'm grateful everyday that I did. The world of publishing has taken me on an amazing journey that I would gladly repeat again and again. I hope you enjoy, Heart of the Maze, as much as I enjoyed having its characters share their story with me.


Pauline Michael of Night Owl Reviews raves that &quot;Heart of the Maze&quot; is a delightful tale and is a REVIEWER TOP PICK!<br /> <br />Review by Pauline Michael Overall &quot;Rain Chapman creates a delightful Regency tale, chalk full of likable characters in this paranormal short story. I love how it just jumped right into the action. Cilia and Devlin are appealing and they complement one another, balancing each of their special mystical gifts. The supporting cast is wonderful and I look forward to reading about Sophia's exploits. For a very quick story I felt that it never lacked anything, it had romance and adventure and a solid, engaging plot.&quot;To read the entire review, go to<br /> <br /><a href="http://nightowlreviews.com/nightowlromance/reviews/reviewsearchmobile.aspx">http://nightowlreviews.com/nightowlromance/reviews/reviewsearchmobile.aspx</a> ! <br /><br />(Posted on 5/31/10) Devoni Rayne of Got Erotic Romance Reviews calls &quot;Heart of the Maze&quot; a short read with a great story line. Review by Devoni Rayne Overall <br /><br />&quot;This book was a fast read—almost too fast. It felt hurried and had it been a bit longer the book would have been just about perfect. The characters were likable and it had a solid plot. There was an obvious and strong connection between Devlin and Cilia right from the start. The sexual tension between them made it even better when they got together. I loved his family and they tied beautifully into the tale. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a short read with a great story line.<br />&quot;To read the entire review, go to <br /><br />http://goteroticromance.blogspot.com/2010/04/heart-of-maze-by-rain-chapman.html <br /> <br />Honeysuckle of Whipped Cream Erotic Reviews salutes Rain Chapman for writing an interesting plot while integrating erotic elements! Review by Honeysuckle Overall<br /> <br />&quot;This is just a sampling of the clever and humorous dialogue in Rain Chapman’s Heart of the Maze. Ms. Chapman combined three of my favorite literary elements: Regency era, paranormal gifts and likable characters that compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses...Something I really appreciated about the way Ms. Chapman wrote this story is that you don’t see salacious sex for the sake of writing in sex. You really feel that they have a deeper connection and the tension has been built that culminates the first time they are together intimately. Bravo to Ms. Chapman for writing a story that maintains an interesting plot while integrating erotic elements when appropriate. I look forward to seeing what Ms. Chapman offers up next<br />To view the entire review, go to <br /><br /><span> <span>http://whippedcream2.blogspot.com/2010/04/heart-of-maze-by-rain-chapman.html<br /></span></span> <br />Klarissa of Joyfully Reviewed found Heart of the Maze to be a satisfying historical that brought all the magical romantic elements together. Review by Klarissa <br /><br />Heart of the Maze is a quick historical that is able to pull all the magical romantic elements together. Rain Chapman set a remarkable scene for Cilia and Devlin to fall in love. His home, his family, and friends all heighten the experience in this tale. I didn't feel cheated by the length, but felt satisfied that Ms. Chapman wrapped everything up so nicely. I loved the mystical quality that these two lovers possessed. I'll definitely be seeking out more books by Ms. Chapman.<br /><br />A must read! Review by Summer Falls Overall<br /> <br />Rain Chapman writing is so vivid that her words become reality. The Character's in this book, Cilia and Devlin, capture and evokes emotion from anyone who reads their story.The authentic historical aspect of this book carries readers into an enchanted realm. Rain Chapman's imagination fuels the magical inner thoughts and feelings of the main characters, creating believability to the gift they share. The undulated action carries this story forward. The anticipation of this reader surged to the next chapter, making the book impossible to put down. This author's writing is exceptional, vivid and leaves one craving her next creation. I highly recommend this book.