Guppy and the opposite of gravity....and other short stories

General Fiction

By Bhaskar Benjamin

Publisher : PEGO UNIVERSE C 409, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, India

ABOUT Bhaskar Benjamin

bhaskar benjamin
I am a painter, poet, novelist, crossword cluer and a dreamer ...I am the  Managing Editor of a creative online magazine called have this dream/wish to make our world... a place free of ISMS and meaningless conditionalities !!!


Guppy is a story teller who narrates a tale ....where the gravity ceases to function.....and the whole world gets worried !!!

Scientists and academicians are given huge counter this threat !!!

Biggest calamity are not the ball when thrown upwards....does not come back !!!

What happens next.... read on...

...there is  Purush...birth of an old-new man !

...there is Jean the Gene who is waiting for her other half !

.... there is Tukka Singh who is afraid of the inspector of schools....

....there is also the sleepy GP....who is famous for his sleep diagnosis...

This is surely...a collection of 'weird' short stories....

These short stories are unique.... to say the least !!!

Guppy is a story teller who narrates a tale ....where the gravity ceases to function.....and the whole world gets worried !!! Scientists and academicians are given huge counter this threat !!! Biggest calamity are not the ball when thrown upwards....does not come back !!! What happens next.... This is a collection of 'weird' short stories....These short stories are unique.... to say the least !!!