Nancy Ann Healy

Nancy Ann Healy


Nancy Ann Healy is a woman of many talents and interests. She has worked as everything from a bookstore manager to a standup comedian, and she enjoys movies, theater, and karaoke in her free time.

Nancy is happily married to her wife, Melissa. Together they have a son, Chris, and two dogs, Maggie and Sydney Bristow. The family currently lives in Connecticut, where Nancy is completing her studies in social justice through Arizona State University and working on her second novel in the Alex and Cassidy series.

You can learn more about Alex and Cassidy at their website You can also read Nancy's blog, and other creative writing at

Life is a journey, not a destination. YOU create it!

I, Walter

I, Walter

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<p>Walter Crofter was born into Elizabethan England.<br />In a country and a time where favor and politics were both deadly, can an honest boy stay true to himself?<br />Especially given his family background?</p>

Story Behind The Book

Commitment in the third installment in the Alex and Cassidy series.
