For Authors

June Lundgren



June Lundgren is a psychic-medium, animal communicator, healer, professional nurse and author. She comes from a long line of psychic women. Mentored by her maternal grandmother, June learned at an early age to use her gifts to help others.
As a psychic-medium, June communicates with those on the other side and helps the living find answers and peace. She has talked to animals since she was a child.  In 2009, God told her to write a book to let people know that He does hear their prayers but that what they want is not necessarily what they need. The result was her first book, A Medium’s Guide to the Paranormal.
Since then she has written three other paranormal based books: Paranormal Encounters book 1 and 2, the dark side of the paranormal. A paranormal romance: Outta Time, and two children’s books: Petals golden wings and Susie’s big adventure. She has a new series in the works entitled” Demon Seekers.
June lives on a small farm in Oregon with her husband and son. She works full-time at a medical clinic and writes books about her many paranormal experiences. Recently she began working with the NW Paranormal Investigative Team.

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