For Authors
Heyward Bruce

Heyward Bruce Ewart III, PhD



Dr. Heyward Ewart ( Rev. Fr.) has devoted nearly 30 years of his professional life to the protection and treatment of women, children, and the family. During the President Jimmy Carter Administration, he served the White House Conference on Families, and such leadership continues to this day. 

He is not only a veteran clinician in the mental-health field but also a distinguished academic. As President of St. James the Elder Theological Seminary, he provides hands-on supervision of students in the doctoral-level counseling program. He also serves as Academic Dean of this distance-learning institution, which is open to all denominations.

A Diplomate of the American College of Forensic Examiners, he has served as an expert trial witness in several states. He has also conducted continuing education at the University of North Florida and University Hospital of Jacksonville, FL.

A much sought-after public speaker, Dr. Ewart is a commanding presenter who speaks with great passion on the issues of abused women and children. He has hosted and appeared as a guest on many TV and radio programs in major markets, a love that dates back to his original career as a radio and TV news announcer.

In 2001, he was ordained to the priesthood by the Catholic Charismatic Church, Diocese of St. Anthony.

He is a published poet, and his hobbies also include photography, singing, drama,  and social activities of all kinds.

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