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AM I BAD? Recovering From Abuse

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Find Your Way to Freedom Today!

If you were abused or neglected as a child, chances are that you have been your whole life, whether you are a man, a woman, or a teen. Child abuse so mangles the personality that the victim unconsciously attracts abusers throughout the life cycle. Lies about yourself were planted deep in your mind by the abuse, and you still believe them. They are crippling your life! Do you have any of these signs?

  • You have symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • You feel like a second-class citizen.
  • Nobody understands: they ask, “Why can't you get over it?”
  • You have escaped one abuser only to end up with another.

Until you understand exactly what the abuse did to you, you cannot get free. You can stay in therapy your whole life and never get a clue. OR you can unravel the mysteries once and for all and bring everything to light by reading AM I BAD? Recovering from Abuse. A great resource for victims, therapists, and group work.

Therapists acclaim for AM I BAD?

“AM I BAD? is a tour de force of the tortured landscape of child abuse and its pernicious long-term outcomes. This book is an important contribution towards the edification of victims and institutions alike.”
—Sam Vaknin, PhD, author Malignant Self-Love

“This book should be compulsory reading for anyone dealing with abused children or abused adults, or adult survivors of childhood abuse.”
—Robert Rich, PhD, M.A.P.S, A.A.S.H.

The New Horizons in Therapy Series from Loving Healing Press (

Praise and Reviews

"A tour de force of the tortured landscape of child abuse and its pernicious long-term outcomes.  Numerous case studies are expertly intertwined with theoretical insights to produce the equivalent of a comprehensive and unconventional treatment modality.


The author demonstrates the direct and indirect pathways from single or multiple identity-shaping events of sexual, physical, and psychological maltreatment in childhood to self-abuse and the preponderance of self-destructive and self-defeating behaviors in later adult life. Equally, certain personality disorders are known to be the sad consequences of child abuse.


Social phenomena such as domestic violence and delinquency inevitably follow. Those who are supposed to tackle such malignant outgrowths - most notably mental health practitioners and social workers - are rarely up to the task.


This book is an important contribution towards the edification of victims and institutions alike. Thank you for sharing this really fascinating work with me. "
—Sam Vaknin, Ph.D., author of  Malignant Self-love - Narcissism Revisited


“This book should be compulsory reading for anyone dealing with abused
children or abused adults, or adult survivors of childhood abuse.”
—Robert Rich, PhD, M.A.P.S, A.A.S.H.

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