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Astaroth Demon Rising

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                        What is ASTAROTH DEMON RISING?

The setting is a place called Marsh Hills, a fictitious townin the beautiful state of Maryland.  Thetime of normalcy, has all but passed as news reports around the world give riseto fears and talk of impending doom as the approach of an unidentified objectof tremendous size, is hurling through space, on a direct collision course withthe earth.

Destiny is her name, and many believe she's on her way tokeep an appointment; the time of her arrival is set right on schedule with theMayan calendar, and the end of days. Others are not concerned; their faith isfirmly planted in the Scriptures, Pastor Josh McQue, is one of those faithfulfew.

Astaroth Demon Rising is a lot of things, it's the unknown,and the uncertainty that stalks our weary minds, as the light of day dissolvesinto darkness. It's the unanswered questions of life and death, and what gloriesor horrors wait beyond the grave.

A watch can stop unexpectedly, and so can life on earth,given the proper mix of events. Astaroth Demon Rising is a story of hope orfaith, in something other than ourselves, the words of a prophet, or thoseetched in ancient stone tablets, predicting the end of days, such as the Mayan calendar. 

2012 will be the end of all things if the Mayan's got itright. Many believe it's true, others don't, what we do know is, they predictedevery solar and lunar eclipse until this day. Is that enough reason forconcerned? Perhaps not, but 2012 will come.

What of the prophets, could it be they might have had itright? After all, the accuracy of their prophecies have astounded the world andmade believers of countless millions.  AstarothDemon Rising is a fictional story; it begins at the dawning of the end of days,as fear envelopes the globe. Death and evil, ascends from the abyss, to tormentmankind.

Satan's, demons take pleasure in their new found freedoms, andthe power to deceive the nations as the world descends into a supper natural orgyof bloody violence and degradation that would make the dark ages seem more likethe days of enlightenment.

Satan, and his demon, are faced with a horror of their own, withtheir fate being sealed since the time of their rebellion, before life on earthbegan.  If the Biblical scriptures arecorrect, their sentence will be carried out, and they will be cast into thelake of fire to be tormented day and night forever.   AstarothDemon Rising is a riveting story, where the ultimate Good versus the ultimate evil.

For many years Pastor Que, and others watched as the signs givenin the prophetic scriptures, all came together shining brighter than the sun ona clear day, and he too is very much aware of the end of days, and theproceeding great tribulation.

Astaroth Demon Rising is a walk on the razors edge, wheregood and evil are so closely intertwined it is not possible to separate them. Likegood people everywhere, we are all at times faced with a decision that challengesour moral code, and more likely than not, time does not afford us the luxury ofseeking out a second more qualified opinion.

A decisive action is required that could mean the differencebetween life and death. A child runs out into traffic, a truck is coming, you mayhave time to pull the child to safety, but you must risk death yourself. Thisis where your moral code kicks in, and how you respond will hinge on what you believeabout life and death. If you place little value on life, the more likely it is,the child will die and you will find yourself to be just a witness to a tragicaccident.

Few people absolutely know how they would respond, these areour heroes, they place the lives of others higher than their own, and if youknow such a person, it is almost certain they possess deep seeded belief in ahigher power. I gave the character Pastor Josh McQue, this attribute; he is aman whose sole purpose in life is to serve others.

Pastor Josh McQue lives with his wife Marie, in a parsonageadjacent to the largest and oldest church in Marsh Hills.

It was there theyraised their two boys, Gary, and Alan McQue.
One can't live with two parents like Josh and Marie McQue,without acquiring for themselves a great respect and love for the God theybelieve in.  
Gary McQue is the older ofthe two boys, and unlike Alan, he is drawn to sports, and is much larger instature. After years of weight training, and boxing at the local gym, he joinsa martial arts class, and convinces his brother Alan, to join as well.

Both acquire a black belt in just over two years, Alan, getsmore involved in the church, and begins teaching a Sunday school class, and a Biblestudy group, while Gary goes on to more advanced martial arts training,mastering several variations of Judo, Karate and Aikido.

After finishing collage, Gary Joins the Military, signing upwith the Air Force, and is off to flight school, while his brother Alan, beingmore interested in Biblical studies, enrolls into a well known Bible College, Wherehe graduates with a masters degree in Hebrew and Apologetics.

Alan then joined a missionary group, and spent time ministering,teaching, and assisting with food and medical needs of displaced people inthird world countries.

Gary learned to fly, almost everything with wings or aprop, and was deeply involved in the war effort, and was highly decorated forhis service.

After fulfilling his obligation to his country, Garyreturned home, Alan set out on his own, feeling a calling to reach the peopleof Haiti, where witch craft and Voodoo dominated the islands making victims of thegentle people who lived there.

Soon he realized, by some, he was not wanted but stayed, inspite, of the complaining and threats of retaliation from the witch doctors andvoodoo priests who were deeply imbedded in the Government.

The people as awhole, had an immediate appreciation and liking for Alan, and he was well received.
For several years Alan work the Islands around Haiti.
Whilethere he gained a lot of experience and understanding of the black arts andlearned never to doubt the very real power of the dark side.

Evil exist as wellas good, and just as sure as there's a God in heaven, there exist a representativeof evil called Satan, commanding  a greatarmy of demons.

It was no longer amatter of faith for Alan, because he had witnessed for himself, the supernatural powers of the witch doctors, and Voodoo priest as the native peoplesuffered at their hands.

The last time Alan, called home, he learned that Garywas now becoming interested in the ministry, and was doing speaking engagementsand was planning to enroll at the Bible College. Money was an issue for him, sohe was driving a produce truck, for Ace McCormick, a local farmer part time, toraise the money.

Astaroth Demon Rising deals with everyday people, each withtheir own set of problems as they face the changing world with the failingeconomy and catastrophes that are happening on a daily basis, causing mass casualtiesin almost every nation.  










                                                        What is ASTAROTH DEMON RISING?

A fictional work that does not represent Biblical truths,Itit the intent of this author, to make it clear to the reader, by means ofincluding obvious fantacies, that this is not by any means to be considered areligious book, it is intended for entertainment only.

Not all, but manyreferances to the Holy Scriptures, in this story,are purposely, far removedfrom the teachings of the Bible, so as not to confuse Bibical fact with siencefiction.

The setting is a place called Marsh Hills, a fictitious townin the beautiful state of Maryland.  Thetime of normalcy, has all but passed as news reports around the world give riseto fears and talk of impending doom as the approach of an unidentified objectof tremendous size, is hurling through space, on a direct collision course withthe earth.

Destiny is her name, and many believe she's on her way tokeep an appointment; the time of her arrival is set right on schedule with theMayan calendar, and the end of days. Others are not concerned; their faith isfirmly planted in the Scriptures, Pastor Josh McQue, is one of those faithfulfew.

Astaroth Demon Rising is a lot of things, it's the unknown,and the uncertainty that stalks our weary minds, as the light of day dissolvesinto darkness. It's the unanswered questions of life and death, and what gloriesor horrors wait beyond the grave.

A watch can stop unexpectedly, and so can life on earth,given the proper mix of events. Astaroth Demon Rising is a story of hope orfaith, in something other than ourselves, the words of a prophet, or thoseetched in ancient stone tablets, predicting the end of days, such as the Mayan calendar. 

2012 will be the end of all things if the Mayan's got itright. Many believe it's true, others don't, what we do know is, they predictedevery solar and lunar eclipse until this day. Is that enough reason forconcerned? Perhaps not, but 2012 will come.

What of the prophets, could it be they might have had itright? After all, the accuracy of their prophecies have astounded the world andmade believers of countless millions.  AstarothDemon Rising is a fictional story; it begins at the dawning of the end of days,as fear envelopes the globe. Death and evil, ascends from the abyss, to tormentmankind.

Satan's, demons take pleasure in their new found freedoms, andthe power to deceive the nations as the world descends into a supper natural orgyof bloody violence and degradation that would make the dark ages seem more likethe days of enlightenment.

Satan, and his demon, are faced with a horror of their own, withtheir fate being sealed since the time of their rebellion, before life on earthbegan.  If the Biblical scriptures arecorrect, their sentence will be carried out, and they will be cast into thelake of fire to be tormented day and night forever.   AstarothDemon Rising is a riveting story, where the ultimate Good versus the ultimate evil.

For many years Pastor Que, and others watched as the signs givenin the prophetic scriptures, all came together shining brighter than the sun ona clear day, and he too is very much aware of the end of days, and theproceeding great tribulation.

Astaroth Demon Rising is a walk on the razors edge, wheregood and evil are so closely intertwined, it is not possible to separate them. Likegood people everywhere, we are all at times faced with a decision that challengesour moral code, and more likely than not, time does not afford us the luxury ofseeking out a second more qualified opinion.

A decisive action is required that could mean the differencebetween life and death. A child runs out into traffic, a truck is coming, you mayhave time to pull the child to safety, but you must risk death yourself. Thisis where your moral code kicks in, and how you respond will hinge on what you believeabout life and death. If you place little value on life, the more likely it is,the child will die and you will find yourself to be just a witness to a tragicaccident.

Few people absolutely know how they would respond, these areour heroes, they place the lives of others higher than their own, and if youknow such a person, it is almost certain they possess deep seeded belief in ahigher power. I gave the character Pastor Josh McQue, this attribute; he is aman whose sole purpose in life is to serve others.

Pastor Josh McQue lives with his wife Marie, in a parsonageadjacent to the largest and oldest church in Marsh Hills. It was there theyraised their two boys, Gary, and Alan McQue. 

One can't live with two parents like Josh and Marie McQue,without acquiring for themselves a great respect and love for the God theybelieve in.  Gary McQue is the older ofthe two boys, and unlike Alan, he is drawn to sports, and is much larger instature. After years of weight training, and boxing at the local gym, he joinsa martial arts class, and convinces his brother Alan, to join as well.

Both acquire a black belt in just over two years, Alan, getsmore involved in the church, and begins teaching a Sunday school class, and a Biblestudy group, while Gary goes on to more advanced martial arts training,mastering several variations of Judo, Karate and Aikido.

After finishing collage, Gary Joins the Military, signing upwith the Air Force, and is off to flight school, while his brother Alan, beingmore interested in Biblical studies, enrolls into a well known Bible College, Wherehe graduates with a masters degree in Hebrew and Apologetics.

Alan then joined a missionary group, and spent time ministering,teaching, and assisting with food and medical needs of displaced people inthird world countries. Gary learned to fly, almost everything with wings or aprop, and was deeply involved in the war effort, and was highly decorated forhis service.

After fulfilling his obligation to his country, Garyreturned home, Alan set out on his own, feeling a calling to reach the peopleof Haiti, where witch craft and Voodoo dominated the islands making victims of thegentle people who lived there.

Soon he realized, by some, he was not wanted but stayed, inspite, of the complaining and threats of retaliation from the witch doctors andvoodoo priests who were deeply imbedded in the Government. The people as awhole, had an immediate appreciation and liking for Alan, and he was well received.

For several years Alan work the Islands around Haiti, whilethere he gained a lot of experience and understanding of the black arts andlearned never to doubt the very real power of the dark side. Evil exist as wellas good, and just as sure as there's a God in heaven, there exist a representativeof evil called Satan, commanding  a greatarmy of demons.

It was no longer amatter of faith for Alan, because he had witnessed for himself, the supernatural powers of the witch doctors, and Voodoo priest as the native peoplesuffered at their hands. The last time Alan, called home, he learned that Garywas now becoming interested in the ministry, and was doing speaking engagementsand was planning to enroll at the Bible College. Money was an issue for him, sohe was driving a produce truck, for Ace McCormick, a local farmer part time, toraise the money.

Astaroth Demon Rising deals with everyday people, each withtheir own set of problems as they face the changing world with the failingeconomy and catastrophes that are happening on a daily basis, causing mass casualtiesin almost every nation on eearth.  












The Story Behind This Book

With all the talk about zombies and the end of the Mayan calendar, I was inspired to write Astaroth Demon Rising. You can purchase the book at or you can go to Download the e-book or take your choice of either the soft cover or hard cover. What is ASTAROTH DEMON RISING? A powerful, science fiction, for those who love horror, it’s the kind of story that will keep you up at night. Astaroth Demon Rising has everything, demons, Zombies, evil spirits, and a story line that will take you to the end of time. You will laugh, and you'll cry, but most of all, you'll sense an overwhelming evil presents, looking over your shoulder as you are driven to the next page and chapter. The setting is a place called Marsh Hills, a fictitious town in the beautiful state of Maryland. The time of normalcy, has all but passed as news reports around the world give rise to fears and talk of impending doom as the approach of an unidentified object of tremendous size, is hurling through space, on a direct collision course with the earth. Destiny is her name, and many believe she's on her way to keep an appointment; the time of her arrival is set right on schedule with the Mayan calendar, and the end of days. Others are not concerned; their faith is firmly planted in the Scriptures, Pastor Josh McQue, is one of those faithful few. Astaroth Demon Rising is a lot of things, it's the unknown, and the uncertainty that stalks our weary minds, as the light of day dissolves into darkness. It's the unanswered questions of life and death, and what glories or horrors wait beyond the grave. A watch can stop unexpectedly, and so can life on earth, given the proper mix of events. Astaroth Demon Rising is a story of hope or faith, in something other than us, the words of a prophet, or those etched in ancient stone tablets, predicting the end of days, such as the Mayan calendar. 2012 will be the end of all things if the Mayan's got it right. Many believe it's true, others don't, what we do know is, they predicted every solar and lunar eclipse until this day. Is that enough reason for concerned? Perhaps not, but 2012 will come. What of the prophets, could it be they might have had it right? After all, the accuracy of their prophecies have astounded the world and made believers of countless millions. Astaroth Demon Rising is a fictional story; it begins at the dawning of the end of days, as fear envelopes the globe. Death and evil, ascends from the abyss, to torment mankind. Satan's, demons take pleasure in their new found freedoms, and the power to deceive the nations as the world descends into a supper natural orgy of bloody violence and degradation that would make the dark ages seem more like the days of enlightenment. Satan, and his demon, are faced with a horror of their own, with their fate being sealed since the time of their rebellion, before life on earth began. If the Biblical scriptures are correct, their sentence will be carried out, and they will be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever. Astaroth Demon Rising is a riveting story, where the ultimate Good versus the ultimate evil.

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