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Ponder Awhile

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The acclaimed and irresistible truth-telling poetics found in Ponder Awhile is magical. Poet Mohit K. Misra does more than ponder as he contemplates the nature of man and God, he unveils the very essence of humanity. An atheist from a long line of Hindu and Parsi priests, in his mid-twenties the sea conjured his restless spirit into action and in fact, he gained enlightenment in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 

A decade later, 
Award Winning Finalist "USA Book News" Spirituality General 2009, 

Top 100 Recommended Religion and Spirituality "ebookmall" 2009, 

Ranked 1 in Religious and Spiritual eBooks "Franklin" 2010/ 2011

1.Ponder Awhile

2.Holy Bible King James Version 

"Best Book Buys" 
Ranked 1 in Poetry books 2011 
Top 10 Poetry, Top 10 Body, Mind and Spirit and Top 10 Philosophy- Religious Books 2011/2012 and 2013. 

Ranked in Top 25 Poetry New and Popular Books and Top 100 Philosophy "Junglee" 2013. 
Ponder Awhile shares his soul's awakening to the truth and the light.

The Story Behind This Book

An extraordinary struggle of an atheist youngster who came from a surprisingly religious background, maternal grandfather being a Parsi priest in a Mumbai fire temple and paternal family, Brahmins from the alluringly spiritual Hindu city on the banks of the Ganges, Allahabad. Became a sailor and one day, in the middle of Atlantic Ocean, divinity struck upon him and grew when he received signs to write poetry. He started writing at the age of 30 and has finally, brought out a winning poetry edition which he has nurtured and polished over a decade.

Praise and Reviews

 Poetry Books on Best Book Buys from 85,953 bo0ks
1.Ponder Awhile by Mohit.K.Misra
Body,Mind and Spirit from 69,261 books
2.Ponder Awhile by Mohit.K.Misra
4.0 out of 5 stars An Introspective, Insightful Poetic Collection, September 23, 2009
By  Apex Reviews (Durham, NC USA) - See all my reviews
In the pages of Ponder Awhile, poet Mohit Misra takes the reader on an introspective journey through the unexplored depths of the heart and soul. Touching on a variety of topics, ranging from life to love to war to the nature of God Himself, Misra's collection expounds on questions that have haunted the corners of the human mindscape for centuries, offering his own thought-provoking insights along the way.

Consider, for example, this passage from "What":

"What we have been taught is so full of rot,
Such beauty lies when it is all shot.
Whatever you do try your best,
Unto God leave the rest."

And this one from "God":

"What have I to do with god?
You are his creation, you are a part of him.
When do I see, meet god?
Whenever you really decide to,
When you want nothing."

Such passages are reflective of the overall philosophical tone of Misra's collection - one that will certainly strike a chord deep within the more progressive thinkers who read it.

At times, Misra also successfully turns his insights inward, offering the reader a profound glance into the inner workings of his own heart and mind, keenly illustrated by this passage from "Idiot":

"Fool make some money some people shout,
Poetry you will die broke without a doubt.
I must write I keep telling them,
I have been given the signs to use the pen."

And in this one from "Once Again":

"Sometimes I feel I will never learn,
From the mistakes I made
when I crashed in my last turn.
As much as I laugh I must cry,
Simple rules of this game before I die."

For the simple, yet penetrating stances that it takes on the full gamut of emotion and experience, Ponder Awhile provides the reader with an eye-opening look into the deeper recesses of our collective human soul. An enjoyable read, and one that is sure to leave many substantially more enriched for having read it.

Wendy Paulson
Apex Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars A Brilliant Spiritual Work, October 10, 2006
By  Peter Boaz Jones "Pete" (Sutton Coldfield, UK) - See all my reviews

Some of the most poignant prose I have come across, in relating to all aspects of religion and spirituality through harmony and unity of purpose. Mohit, crystallises all the main themes of life and its transition into beautiful and simple language, giving the reader a basis for considering these moving criteria easily and thoughtfully. Really it is a very useful tool, when trying to understand these deep and often seemingly complex questions.


Simple Food for Thought, March 10, 2008

written from the heart , this book of poems exemplifies the essence of our human soul in its fantastic read that really makes one 'Ponder Awhile'

ponder awile-a must read, July 30, 2007

Ponder awhile is one one of the most soul searching books of prose i have read in a long time-its simplistic style allows the reader to draw their own spirituality and explore the inner self.he derives his soulfulness from his own life experiences-gentle but awakening.

Ponder Awhile, February 23, 2007
By  Madhavi S. Ghare (Pune, India) - See all my reviews

These poems do make you stop and ponder...Mohit has written from the heart, and his poetry reflects that. He uses the medium of rhyme to convey his deepest experiences of life, and beyond.
These poems do help you see the world from his eyes, and make you think.
Keep it up! and All the Best!

a masterpiece one must have, February 22, 2007

Mohit has composed a collection of very lovely poems, with a lot of deep insights written in uncomplicated simple words. When Mohit first approached me to design his website - I was delighted... and at the same time my experience told me that it will be very challenging and difficult for Mohit to sell poetry online. However, Mohit has been persistent and driven to make this a success - and I request all book lovers, readers and poets to support and encourage Mohit by purchasing his book of lovely poems. The poems can be read and enjoyed over and over again. This is a book you will truly cherish to have as part of your collection.

ponder awhile, October 26, 2006
By  M. N. Kavarana (London, KY, USA) - See all my reviews

This collection of poems stimulates deep thought about life, death and religion. Unlike many other spiritual texts the author and his writing do not attempt to impose his views upon others, but they make subtle suggestions about day to day follies and misunderstandings about god and religion. This is a book for anyone seeking for a deeper meaning of our existance and at the same time is fun to read. Mohit through his poems truly demonstrates his love and respect for people and life and most of all god. This book may be way ahead of our times for some but will reach out to many.

Wonderful poems from Ponder Awhile, October 17, 2006
By  E. Martin (Las Vegas, NV USA) - See all my reviews

I enjoy reading Mohit's poems. He has a tendency to rhyme and synchronize our everyday living circumstances with the divine.

And some of them are philosophical indeed and makes sense to the public at large.



"This book is full of diamonds" Swami Atmanand -Pune -India



I found that this book did make me stop and ponder a
while. It is like the calm in the eye of the storm. I
found reading it a kind of literary meditation. It is
thoughtful, intelligent, and uplifting, not only do I
recommend it, I prescribe it. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Benjamin Zephaniah



 Have a spiritual breakfast now ! -Raymond Gallaz-Geneva Switzerland-Reiki Master

Pondering and wondering on the nature of man and God -
One with a thousand questions and the other with a thousand names and answers-This young poet reminds one of Khalil Gibran witha touch af Tagore.We are sure that his delicious "Ponder Awhile" will give to the seeker of truth a longing for it and a taste of who we really are.



Mohit Mishra has presented a garland of poems sensitizing deep thoughts in worldly reality. The sifting thoughts and emotions seeking out subtle nuances is a work of great mind.
This work can be sustained by deep courage, commitment, daring and restraint. It is possible by people only who love and care for people.
It is with deep sense of fulfillment and urge to read again.
Best wishes,
Anup Kumar Burman

Blue Cross Labs  Goa India




This young man has written such a beautiful poetry book.I wonder how many people will really be able to understand and appreciate it.

Kiran Baba-Enlightened One- Pune India

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