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Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud : Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety

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Nine out of ten people who quit drinking relapse at least once. The 2013 Indie Book Awards self-help book finalist, "Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud," shows why it's not just once... without pithy slogans or trademarked solutions. From the author of "What the Early Worm Gets," a startling book defining Alcoholism, here's a book explaining how and why relapse happens, how to hold it at bay and why every non-alcoholic should care. Sobriety is a state of illness and its symptoms, left untreated, lead directly to lapse. Addressing the Symptoms of Sobriety is essential.

Why would any sober Alcoholic return to the misery?
What are the Symptoms of Sobriety and how do Alcoholics and non-Alcoholics guard against them?
What four overlooked stressors trip up recovery?
Can you hit bottom sober?

The narrative dashes along peaks of anger, joy, desperation, relief and hope interspersed with solid data on the disease and guidance for avoiding relapse traps.

It's not enough to just stop drinking.

The Story Behind This Book

Nine of 10 alcoholics relapse, dragging loved ones back to the drama. Why return to the misery? Many relapse and recovery books are written by experts with stellar credentials. Stevens reveals new relapse research, but he also has been there and knows how ex-drinkers think and feel.

Praise and Reviews

2013 Indie Book Awards FINALIST

2013 Global Book Competition FIRST PLACE

#1 on "Top 13 Addiction Books" list

#1 on "
Help for families trying to cope with alcoholism and addiction" list

9/27/13 FIVE STARS on
"Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud: Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety by Scott Stevens is a must read for every alcoholic and those living with those suffering with the disease. The author never plunges the reader into why me whining but brings sound knowledge and insights from many sources. Scott also explains the discovery of cortisol which inhibits the sufferer and makes it so more difficult to stay off the booze. Every page brings a fresh slap in the face to wake us up to the real effects of alcohol. This is a book that should be available reading in every library and needs to be made aware to all governments, medical practitioners and psychiatrists worldwide. I must admit, my blinkers have been removed and I will for ever see alcoholism in a different light, not tainted by prejudice and ignorance.
I give this book FIVE STARS for its bold approach and brutal truthfulness. Well done Scott Stevens."

9/24/13 FIVE STARS on

"Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud is a very straight forward account on relapse and the road to recovery from alcohol. It also talks a lot about how psychological mechanisms relate to alcoholism. In this book, we not only get a very personal account of one man's story, we also get to hear from experts, psychologists, and doctors. This book was written by a reporter so you get a real glimpse into his struggles and a hard look at the recovery process. This book is truly unique because it gives you so much comprehensive information from both personal and professional sources. It is very useful in helping you gain insight into the hardships of sobriety and the danger of relapse. This is a very well written book and I recommend it to everyone."

9/3/13 FIVE STARS on
stars-5-0._V192240867_.gif Filling the gaps
"Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud : Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety" by Scott Stevens is a remarkable book about alcoholism that has busted a few myths for me, taught me a few truths and filled in other gaps in what I thought was comprehensive knowledge on the subject of addiction and alcoholism.

With journalistic precision and competence Stevens informs his readers in excellent fashion about the correlation between alcoholism and cortisol, a chemical in the body related to stress and stressors. Stevens also brings in psychological aspects and data, statistics and the impact of spirituality and communication on recovery.

I found Stevens' approach refreshing because unlike other self-help books there is no agenda or one simplifying message about the subject. This is an informed and personalised account of facts that can clarify patterns, help understanding them and shed new light on the subject without trying to force them into a one-trick-pony of a book.

The book includes many great quotes on the matter and should be helpful for alcoholics and those around them just for the inspirational impact of those alone but I also personally related particularly well to the rational journalistic approach interspersed with the personal.

I commend Stevens for his honesty when it comes to his own private experiences and for his talent to chose wisely where to bring the personal into the book in the first place. Here is not a sinner asking for forgiveness, or someone revealing to shock or to accuse. The 'sobriety' of his account is most rewarding and probably helps to increase the impact of what is being shared.
I have already passed the book details on to my friends in recovery.

8/25/13 FIVE STARS on


stars-5-0._V192240867_.gif He talks the talk...and has walked the walk... 
Mr. Stevens personal experience as an alcoholic who relapses and the scientific reference sprinkled through a very conversational style was a great read for me. I have purchased five copies of the book and given them to other recovering friends.

One of the best books I've read written by a fellow relapser. I wish I'd only had one relapse. Stevens book will hopefully help me prevent another.


5/26/13 FIVE STARS on

5.0 out of 5 starsAn empowering and life-changing book.
"Mr. Scott Stevens is an authority on the subject of alcoholism, and this book is an indispensable tool for anyone struggling with alcoholism or fear of not being able to retain sobriety. Co-dependents will also find it useful as it can contribute to a better understanding of their own psychology and enabling tendencies. The book offers shrewd observations on human behavior, insights difficult to find in most psychology books! Anyone who seeks a better understanding and compassion for human nature will profit from this read, as a lot of the behaviors described are universal. The book gains much of its power from the author's personal experiences and wisdom derived while going through his struggle with alcoholism. It is an honest expression of feelings, witty analogies, personal struggles, and shining victories.

The author's research explains in simple language the nature of this disease, and dissolves some of its myths. Although the author says that "Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud" isn't a crusade to cure people, this book can be life changing. Just being aware of people, places or things that trigger relapse is not enough. One has to be aware also of the inner stressors that contribute to the secretion of excess cortisol, the major factor in relapse. Several ideas and solutions are mentioned as a way to ease or prevent the symptoms brought out by stressors like guilt, shame, forgiveness, and grief. These thoughts and ideas - the author's way of dealing with problems common to himself and others - are extremely psychologically sound and empowering! (Chapters 4-7).

The author goes through the secrets to succeeding in sobriety. Chapter 8 provides valuable suggestions for anyone who struggles with communication skills or assertiveness. A lot can go wrong in group self-help, group therapy, counseling, therapy programs, or AA and Chapters 9-10 provide information on what works and what doesn't. Chapter 10, in particular, focuses on the success characteristics of group therapy and group self-help. Some of the stories included there would be hilarious if they were fiction, but are disturbing when they demonstrate the obscurity and stupidity of social programs that ignore these characteristics for success. That is why it is cleverer for one to shop around for help before one is forced into something that is not working. The book shows what to look for.

Relapse is not a deliberate, willful decision. Inner stressors, alcoholism and cortisol are all knitted together. The understanding gained from reading this book has the ability to restore bruised self-esteem, dignity, and confidence, which the system and uninformed people can strip from a fellow human being born into some biochemical imbalance. How can a system be so harsh over an alcoholic's "choice", when like "Sophie's Choice", it may not be a choice at all? Such clouds can lead a relapsed alcoholic into an (unnecessarily) miserable life, much as they led Sophie. The naïve judgments and stigma attached are unfair and counterproductive.

Alcoholism, the author explains, is not a moral shortcoming due to lack of self control. More than anything, it is due to chemical imbalance. The chemical imbalance contributing to alcoholism is different from the one contributing to relapse. However, life does not have to return to chaos. When one recognizes the sobriety symptoms and does not react by drinking, life becomes better! It would be interesting to also read "What the Early Worm Gets", because an imbalance of neurochemicals like serotonin and dopamine can be responsible not only for alcoholism but also for the unhappy lives that a lot of us live in silent desperation, but we do not even know it!

The author has superb writing skills I envy. He has lived up to his journalistic background. Anyone in search of valuable statistics pertinent to alcoholism will find the final chapter a valuable resource. As a reporter, the author also clarified terms that many are inclined by mistake to use interchangeably; for example, shame vs. guilt, sobriety vs. recovery vs. abstinence, alcoholism vs. alcohol abuse. The book "Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud" is the product of obvious intelligence and understanding. Highly recommended."

5/19/13 FIVE STARS on
5.0 out of 5 starsA very useful tool in the fight against addiction and relapse. Inspiring and insightful!,

"The author, Scott Stevens,writes powerfully and eloquently about his fight with alcohol addiction, the reasons for relapse and what to look out for in order to try to avoid it happening again.

When I read the sentence `What do you feel like losing today? 'I knew that I would be able to relate to this book. It totally sums up the misery caused by alcohol addiction. The book will undeniably strike a chord with people in different stages of their recovery. I had not thought about addiction in terms of The Symptoms of Sobriety and found this incredibly insightful, well researched and very helpful. Alcoholics beat themselves up all the time about what they have done when they have been drinking and end up feeling very guilty and filled with shame. The distinction between guilt and shame is an interesting concept. The author discusses other problem stressors and gives the reader strategies to cope with them. As the author says that once you know what signs to look out for, reading a looming alcoholic lapse is simple to spot.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is trying to cope with recovery from addiction or would like to understand more fully what a recovering alcoholic has to deal with. If you want help to understand why you start drinking again and what you can do about it then this book will really help you."

5/6/13 FIVE STARS on
5.0 out of 5 starsThis was well written and even edgy for a recovery book.
"The book spoke right to me as it related to exactly what I was feeling and how I was feeling it, starting with the clever title describing in one phrase how it felt to relapse. He gets the frustrating things and the emotional things and hes been there himself, in my shoes. Relapse is ugly. Alcoholism is ugly. But he made it really human and survivable. I went through the book twice so far and I know the people around me can get me a little more clearly when I share it with them."

5/5/13 FIVE STARS on
5.0 out of 5 stars Good book. Lots of personality
"I don't usually comment on self-help books because I feel a let down, but not so with this book. I can open to any page of Every Silver Lining has a Cloud and get pulled in. It was very thorough but not like a technical report. It was down to earth writing that helped me see things about people around me differently. It helps me understand some things about alcohol relapse I didn't realize, without being clinical. In fact, it was very personal."

4/29/13 FIVE STARS on
5.0 out of 5 stars Read this book, or give this away as a life-changing gift

"This is quite an interesting take on the massive problem of alcoholism. But instead of the usual sweeping generalizations or a presentation of cold, hard facts, `Every Silver Lining has a Cloud' is author Scott Stevens' deeply personal story of struggling with alcoholism and in staying sober--and it brims with wisdom and life-changing lessons that anyone--whether alcoholic or not--can benefit from. But more than that--it is also full of actionable, helpful information that can help anyone--from alcoholics to those who know someone who suffers from it.

Scott Stevens has that rare talent to use his writing in "stabbing you in the heart"--you feel the truth, the honesty, and intensity of what he says, and you will immediately feel it right in the first few pages. This is a writer who knows what he writes about not only from an intellectual source, but he has the assurance, confidence, and knowledge of someone who has been in the trenches.

What's more, as alcoholism is a multifaceted problem, it also helps if you can understand the underlying mechanism of the condition. In this sense, the book hits a home-run, as Stevens has the knack for explaining complicated concepts and neuro-scientific facts in a way that can be immediately absorbed by the everyman.

And as Stevens says, (echoing the tone of the book's title) "failure is a better teacher." `Every Silver Lining has a cloud' is like witnessing a train wreck--a trainwreck that is highly articulate, erudite even, and one that eventually ends up not as a pile of rubble, but a shining example of triumph. For being deeply inspiring alone, this book deserves all of five stars."

4/27/13 FIVE STARS on
5.0 out of 5 starsMarked this up with notes - it's so good
"I am in recovery and have read books re: the disease of alcoholism. Been in recovery for 23 years and this is the best book I've read. He tells it like it is and he is right on about relapse. Everyone with a personal interest or dealing with alcoholism should read this. Loved it. Marked it all up."

4/22/13 FIVE STARS on 

5.0 out of 5 starsEmotional and Witty! I Would Definitely Read This Again
"Stevens made very complex topics like neuroscience and psychology very readable. Well written and practical. And it wasn't dry like other recovery books I've read, it's lively, emotional and even witty at times. He shares some intense, humbling and revealing personal stories alongside credible research. It helped me put alcoholism and relapse into focus for the family around the drinker, not just the drinker. A surprising amount of info, new info, in such an easy read. This is a keeper."

4/21/13 FIVE STARS on 
5.0 out of 5 starsWay above the rest
I honestly consider this the perfect guide for everyone holding on to Sobriety, whether you are successful or not. This book has simplified it all while the author describes biochemical and physiological processes and showed how knowledgeable he is of the topic.   Not another knock off book which vaguely gave tips for fighting alcoholism, this is hands down the most comprehensive guide. Incorporating stories from his life Scott made this manual a book which is quite easy to read while you learn to deal with this growing problem. I recommend this book, as the best guide."

4/21/13 FIVE STARS on 
5.0 out of 5 starsNone Better
The author is obviously an expert as he has broken it all down in the most practical way. It would still be resting on my mind if I had not come out and added my few words in the form of this review. On seeing the topic of the book I was compelled to purchase it as my dad has for many years suffered with alcoholism. I was left in awe when the author broke it all down into a science and neatly supported it with situation in his life. This is a great book and I recommended it for every person who suffers from alcoholism weather direct or indirectly. Great book."

4/20/13 FIVE STARS on

5.0 out of 5 stars"A touchy topic for many people but Scott made me feel normal again with this book. We all know the effects of alcoholism on both the people around us and also on us as a person and this book is a true guide for overcoming the demon.

Like many other addictions one of the hardest tasks is to resist the urge to drink and the author has covered it in many respects. The Cortisol breakdown is entirely informative, I say that because it’s one of my favorite chapters but Scott’s walk through of his life experiences are nothing but invaluable. I thank you Scott for preparing this guide, I call it “My life book” I know many other reader will be as grateful as I am. Thank you." 

4/13/13 FIVE STARS on 
5.0 out of 5 starsEasy to Read AND A Must Read
"Whether you yourself are struggling with alcoholism or you love someone who is, this book must be read. The author shares his story - horrifying at times - with practical information to help people deal with and understand the disease of alcoholism.
Every Silver Lining draws you in with its great story telling that is funny at times, sad, and quite frankly, scary. This book will help definitely help you."

4/7/13 FIVE STARS on
5.0 out of 5 stars"This was a great, easy to read and understand book. This book is for anyone dealing with sobriety or knows and loves someone who is. This book is helpful, insightful, but most of all very encouraging."

2/24/13 FIVE STARS on 
5.0 out of 5 stars"Scott Stevens shares undeniable truths about struggling with sobriety, from his own personal experiences, and from the scientific community.
It give both a scientific and personal look into the cause and effect of relapse.
This book is a must read for anyone who is, or knows someone who is, struggling to hang on to sobriety."

1/9/13 FIVE STARS on 
5.0 out of 5 starsMust Read
"This is a Must Read for everyone holding on to Sobriety, successful or not so successful. The author describes biochemical processes that can be applied to rough times .. Also Scott Stevens clearly describes the physiological process as well. An easy read with a fast pace and good reference material for one's future."


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