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Warrior Lost: Veteran Suicide and The Combat PTSD Monster (The

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Has the Monster called PTSD snuck into your life? Is self-isolation frequently present in your home? Have you lost a Warrior friend or loved one to suicide? Or are you just wondering why so many Warriors have become part of "Club 22"?

With Veteran Suicide on the rise, Author Leilani Anastasia takes a heartfelt look on how to recognize it and what to do about it. This book explores not only the reasons that many Veterans commit suicide but also ways on how to prevent it. She outlines different types of treatments as well as how to recognize the signs of someone who suffers from Combat trauma and is suicidal. With insights from Veterans themselves as to why they have contemplated suicide, this book is a must-read for anyone who is in a relationship with a Combat Vet or is seeking answers on how to help our nation's Warriors not become a part of the 22 Veterans a day that commit suicide.

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on May 3, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I'm a big fan of author Leilani because of her writing style and her honest words. This book is another great addition in her series and I comend her for opening up and sharing her stories. More people need to be talking about this issue and I applaud Leilani again for her dedication to our Veterans.

Warrior Lost is informative and gives a pretty fair look at the dangerous statistics of our veterans. It also brings up a really good point - why aren't we talking more about our veterans and why aren't we doing enough for them when they come back home. I completely and heartbreakingly agree that our country has lost all site of who our veterans actually are and how and WHY they fight for their country. There is a lot of ignorance out there and it makes me just as angry to see people saying horrible things about the men and women who have risked everything to keep this country free. I could ramble on about this because it frustrates me so much, but I wont.

The book gives a closer look at the incredibly high suicide rates and Leilani shows us what to look for when it comes to suicide risks. She also includes an outline of how to get help and what steps to take to prevent suicide and how therapy is in fact helpful. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Frank and love that her combat vet has found solace in a therapy pet.

I can't stress enough how important this information is and how I wish more people were talking about it! I urge people to read it, learn it, share it and then take a step back and pray for our veterans who have already risked and lost so much.

Thanks Leilani for another informative read - I look forward to the next one!
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on April 8, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
In Warrior Lost, the latest book in Leilani Anastasia's Warrior series, the author tackles the issue of veteran suicides, something that is becoming increasingly more prevalent. As she points out in the book, an average of 20 veterans will kill themselves each day in the US. If we hear about 20 soldiers being killed in combat in a single day, we get completely shocked and horrified (and rightfully so), yet the suicides of so many veterans in one single day doesn't even register as news. And most people aren't even aware that the situation has become this bad.

This book takes a very in-depth look at suicide in combat veterans and what can be done to help prevent veterans from taking their own lives. In addition to citing the most up to date and relevant studies, the author has talked to numerous combat veterans in order to get as complete a picture as humanly possible. Even though the Warrior series is geared mostly toward those who are involved romantically/intimately with a veteran, this is a book that can really help to raise awareness about this problem among an even broader population (ie. friends, family, and just those caring citizens who are dismayed by the lack of attention this problem has received).
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