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She's Gone...Broken, Battered & Bruised

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Depression, anxiety, and pain has enslaved me. Depression is my hero! Anxiety is my enemy! And pain is my lover! Poetry written by a depressed poet facing life challenges.

These pages of poems are about the feeling of rejection and loneliness how much anger and hatred I felt towards myself. Even though I was surrounded by my family I still felt so alone. I felt as if I was drowning in my own heartache and no one understood why. I had this constant dull ache in my heart because I knew I had to put my life on hold for unexpected reasons but all I wanted to do is write and be somewhere else besides where I was at. The anger grew uncontrollably and I found myself dealing with high anxiety and panic attacks. Because I knew if I did what my heart was telling me to do, I would be hurting the people around me, which was my kids. I could not cause them the pain, so I dealt the cards out and endured the pain of depression. The cards were never in my favor but I did play my cards right and here I sit ready to share this book, the one that holds my deepest, darkest thoughts and feelings about love and life of a depressed poet.

Most of her is gone,
Broken and bruised...

Too scared to show her true colors to the world...

Most of her is done,
Playing games and hiding the flame...

Too intense to learn how to love someone in a crowd...

Most of her is unknown,
Secretly and walls to high...

To show affection to the world that won’t accept her

Most of her is gone,
Small part still alive...

Wanting to be loved by someone like you.

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