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Impact of the Shift Workbook: Finding Yourself Through Your Experiences

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In life, everybody faces daily challenges. We can feel them in the core of our belly, and they cause a shift in our lives. Some impacts are more extensive than others and have major side effects such as depression, stress, or major illness. One of the ways we can release these shackles is to recognize, embrace, and accept The Impact of the Shift. This impact will awaken what is strong in you. I call these hurts growing pains. Remember what your mother told you: What doesn’t kill you will only make you strong-er! As each of your daily challenges is completed and you have overcome the impact of it, you will shift to another level in life. Throughout the process, remember to breathe, love, and forgive. Yes, you must repeat this all day and every day because you want to live, to im-prove, not just survive or exist—but to fully LIVE. Search your Pandora's Box of experiences because it is time to clean the darkness out. No one gets a pass on this. Accepting the Impact of the Shift without blaming anybody else allows you to take full responsibility, even when you think it is not your fault. If something is in your experience, somehow, someway, you have attracted that thing to yourself so that more good can grow from it. This book encourages you to answer questions, and I recommend jotting down short answers here plus purchasing a notebook where you can expand those answers. Responding to these questions will bring about the shift, and it will help you to review your answers occasionally. You will enhance your insight into your own personal shifts. I wish you the positive Impact of the Shift. Zinna Davis Shreveport, Louisiana

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