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The House on Slocum Road

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Will a troubled socialite repress her psychic gift to appease the man she loves, or will she succumb to the  mysterious pull of the past and risk losing all she holds dear. Think--The Medium Meets The Ghost

The Story Behind This Book

Fascinated by the 18th century, I read books from that era from a child on up. I was enthralled with books written by Louisa May Alcott and hoped one day to be a writer like she was. Here I was, stuck in the 21st century, but I could create a life in the past. I chose to use the place where I was born and which has lived in my heart all these years. The house belongs to my family. I had spent many happy times there when I was little. So it became the setting for my novel. The subplot takes place during the Civil War. That was influenced by a segment on The Antiques Road Show. I created a character who would interact with historical figures, yet have a life of his own.

Praise and Reviews


A Satisfying Read, June 12, 2007


Rebecca Buckley "Writer" (California) - See all my reviews

D.H. Clair's "The House on

Slocum Road
" has so many twists and turns you won't want to put it down for a moment in fear of losing track of the story. The author has successfully created a labyrinth of characters and a storyline that are strung together and wrapped around the novel's heroine - Lottie Winslow. You will fall in love with Lottie at the get-go, and at first you'll be impatient when the story veers away from her temporarily, but never fear, when it comes back, you're in for a ride. Ms. Clair's clever weave doesn't let go of the reader till the end.

The story is jam-packed with scenes of the personal effects of the Civil War, of Lottie's family then, and of Lottie's family in the present. At first it feels as if two stories are running parallel, but in a different manner than what you would expect.

Ms. Clair has written a drama, a tragedy, a romance, a para-normal - all rolled into one, and her comedic sense shines through in Lottie's dialogue in Part Two. You will be intrigued, surprised, and will experience a satisfying read in "The House on
Slocum Road
." I certainly did. I recommend it highly.


I can't imagine any reader NOT enjoying this book! Clair shifts us effortlessly from 21st century to Civil War vintage events, from psychic phenomenon and out of body experiences to the cozy warmth of a family with cherished values, who support and care deeply for one another. Yet the pieces flow together as smoothly as a gentle stream on a breezeless day. Beautifully written, seamlessly crafted, The House on

Slocum Road
keeps the reader involved from beginning right through until that final page is turned.

Lois Stern

Author or Sex, Lies & Cosmetic Surgery


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The House on

Slocum Road
by D, H Clair (Author)

 Strange things are happening to Lottie Winslow. Who is the stranger she sees in the mirror?

 Why is the same dream invading her sleep night after night? How can she witness an event that

 hasn't yet happened? Determined to find the answers on her own despite her doubting husband's

 objections, Lottie embarks upon a relentless search for her identity and familial connection. She

makes a discovery in The House on Slocum Road that sparks a chain of events, which lead her to

her inevitable date with destiny. 

                                                    * * *
 In The House on Slocum Road, author Dahris Clair offers a spooky little story about a woman who

 finds herself by searching in the past. As a little girl, Lottie lost herself and her unique gift. When it

comes back to her, she must learn to accept herself, as she really is, not as the person others—i

ncluding her

well-meaning husband—want her to be. 
 Clair's style is reminiscent of Barbara Michaels' in her paranormal romantic suspense novels. Clair is

wonderfully attuned to the details of daily life that bestow a feeling of place--the rose and gold glow of

a fire kindling, church bells pealing over a snowy field. This is a cozy sort of ghost story, perfect for a

winter night in front of a fire.

                          BookWire Review – September 18, 2006

Sensitive and Thought Provoking, November 25, 2006


Susan Haley

The House On Slocum Road is encompassing. It's well written, well researched, timely, and entices the reader into the story on page one. Yet, it's one of those books which tends to slow the reader down as the end approaches in the hopes that it will go on. I found it especially endearing as the tenets often referred to as 'paranormal' are, to me, quite normal. I found myself relating to Lottie and wanting to embrace her.

 Susan C. Haley, Author –

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Great entertainment!, November 7, 2006


Randi Odierno "rodierno" (Florida) - See all my reviews

This riveting story is also wonderfully readable. It centers around Lottie Slocum, a young woman with the capability of knowing things before they happen. Severely injured in the crash that orphaned her, Lottie suffers from retrograde amnesia. Her memory never came back, but the dreams and visions did. Twenty-five years later, the visions have resurfaced along with a persistent, repetitive dream she can't explain. Lottie is consumed with an irrepressible desire to connect with her roots and believes her ancestral home, the house on Slocum Road, holds the key. Frustrated by her husband's inability to accept her gift, she vows to "go it alone," despite the stumbling blocks along the way. This is also a story rich in history. of love and fidelity and one of enduring and timeless friendship. With uncanny flair, DH Clair transports her readers from the present to a well researched 1886 through a variety of twists that keep one turning the pages!

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