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PARENTEEN - Parenting Defiant and Crazy Teens With Wisdom and Care - Tips And Strategies for Handling Difficult Teen Parenting Situations - Move From Conflict ... For Raising Confident and Obedient Kids (Paperback)

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Product Description
This is a teen parenting andrelationship guide by the ultimate authorities in psychology. ChristineEvans is a columnist, TV and radio agony aunt, and a qualifiedpsychotherapist, specializing in parenting ,anxiety disorders, andfamily concerns, known for her sound advice. Dr. David Usher is an MD,family planning specialist and clinical sexologists. He is the authorof numerous books and a regular guest on both TV and radio. "Enjoy themnow, they'll soon be teenagers!" Warnings like this from friends andrelatives, together with media images of adolescents as irresponsible,rebellious troublemakers, can lead parents to expect trouble as theirchildren enter puberty. It is a rare parent who does not approach achild's adolescence without some misgivings. But family life does nothave to be a battleground during the teenage years. If your childconstantly misbehave and ignore or refuse your requests for properbehavior? If your relationship with your child based on conflictinstead of mutual respect and cooperation then this book will help youto create a positive, respectful, and rewarding relationship with yourchild. This book focuses on strategies parents can use to deal withtypical teenage behavior. The essence of their technique teachesparents to allow their children to learn about solving their ownproblems by setting up choices and consequences. The contents givessolid tips on how to work toward a positive outcome and offers avariety of scenarios, demonstrating precisely how a parent's words andactions can be the source of a teen's compliant or defiant response.When parents and teens are getting along, family life can be wonderful.Teens really are enjoyable and energizing. Their wit and high spiritsmake them fun to be around. Although this guide is intended mainly forparents of teenagers, it is general enough to be useful to parents ofyounger children as well.

Praise and Reviews

As the parents of 3 adolescents with some significant cultural struggles, this book was is so helpful in changing our parenting techniques from being the authorities to being more "consultants."

There's an incredible relief when the responsibility for making decisions belongs to the teen, and the consequences of the decisions also belongs to the teen. I recommend this book as training in parenting for those of us who think we know how to raise teens, but find our teens are struggling, and it's clear we DON'T know how to do it..
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