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Acting Up Brings Everyone Down: The Impact of Childish Behavior in the Workplace

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Acting Up Brings Everyone Down is about the damage that results from the destructive, childish behavior we too often employ at work.

Joe Kerr and Wanda B. Goode, characters from Nick's first book, Lead Well and Prosper, return to demonstrate the silliness of common workplace antics in hopes that readers will acknowledge their actions, realize there are better and more constructive ways to act, and make the necessary changes to improve the work environment.

There is indeed a better way, and we all have a role to play in making it happen - whether we are in management or on the front line.

We spend 50% or more of our waking lives at work. McCormick encourages readers to rise above the petty, childish behavior that breads malcontents in favor of nourishing childlike characteristics of creativity, excitement, and wide-eyed wonderment that make employee engagement flourish.

Praise and Reviews

“Please read this book and ask yourself one simple question – did I ever grow up? As I read Nick’s latest work of art, I found myself realizing that I did some of these immature and child like things in my management career. Actually, I’m ashamed to admit it. Thanks Nick for a wonderful book – another compulsory reference book for managers who are honest enough to admit they have yet to grow up. As I read it I could not help thinking of Gandhi’s immortal words: ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’”

-- Trevor Gay, UK management and leadership trainer, speaker, and author

“Once again Nick has produced an engaging, concise, and actionable offering of essential workplace advice, and this time for all of us. Another winner by the author of Lead Well and Prosper. A must read for everyone who works.”

-- Jim Stroup, author of Managing Leadership is Fine

“It’s true - Acting up DOES bring everyone down. Nick McCormick offers tips to nip this behavior in the bud and get on with the job at hand.”

-- Wayne Turmel, president and host of the “Cranky Middle Manager Show”

"Nick McCormick's ability to link damaging workplace behaviors to their childish origins helps us plainly see how destructive these can be to our organization, team, and our own career. Each chapter details the anatomy of a particular behavior and includes great dialog sketches, which are Nick's trademark. This book gets to the point quickly using examples we can all relate to and then coaches/mentors the reader with pointed check lists of do's and don'ts."

-- Susan Stamm, author of 42 Rules of Employee Engagement, president of The TEAM Approach

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