Michael Daigle

Michael Daigle


Michael Stephen Daigle is the author of the award winning Frank Nagler  Mysteries. He lives in New Jersey.

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

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<p>What if you treated others the way you’d like to be treated? If everyone did that, what kind of world could there be? Please join the children’s quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and to share it with others. </p><p>This coloring book version of Sherrill S. Cannon’s best-selling children’s story, The Golden Rule, allows kids to enjoy reading in rhyme, as well as illustrating their own version of how children can help us be kind to each other.</p>

Story Behind The Book

The search to find the name and family of a young girl seemingly abandoned on a cold March night leads Ironton, N.J. Detective Frank Nagler on a dark, disturbing search that opens up holes in the lives of people he knows, and in his own life. It leads to the discovery of a dangerous family secret that leads to personal loss Nagler. A dark thriller with damaged characters seeking redemption.


<p>Kirkus Reviews: (Nagler) <span style="margin:0px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'&amp;quot', serif;"><font size="3">unravel(s) a complicated, sometimes-repulsive mystery that spans decades and several states. Daigle’s narrative is well-paced, allowing the reader to piece together the clues right along with Frank, and it all leads to a melancholy but satisfying conclusion.</font><font face="sans-serif,Arial,Verdana,&quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;"></font></span><span style="margin:0px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'&amp;quot', serif;"><font size="3">An involving thriller with a memorable protagonist.</font></span></p>