Elaine Penn

Elaine Penn


Elaine Rose Penn is the author of two successful books, “Soul Ties: Holy and Unholy,” and “My Soul Looks Back and Wonders: the Call of God on a Woman’s Life.” Her newest release, When Kingdoms Fall: A Novel About the Fall of Lucifer is her debut novel.  Her books are available on Amazon.com and can be special-ordered through all major, national book chains.

Elaine’s WHY is helping people break free of controlling emotional habits, unforgiveness, soul ties and generational curses, and past failure and abuse. She is well known for her insightful teaching in the area of spiritual warfare and the believer’s authority; and is best thought of as an equipper and activator. You can follow Elaine Rose Penn on her blog www.kingdomlifepurpose.com.

Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God

Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God

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<p>“<em>We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”(</em>Teilhard de Chardin<em>)</em></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;"><em>Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God </em> is as layered as a French cassoulet, as diverting, satisfying and as rich. Each reader will spoon this book differently. On the surface it seems to be a simple and light-hearted poetic journey through the history of Western thought, dominantly scientific, but enriched with painting and music. Beneath that surface is the sauce of a new evolutionary idea, involution; the informing of all matter by consciousness, encoded and communicating throughout the natural world. A book about the cathedral of consciousness could have used any language to paint it, but science is perhaps most in need of new vision, and its chronology is already familiar.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">The author offers a bold alternative vision of both science and creation: she suggests that science has been incrementally the recovery of memory, the memory of evolution/involution</span><em style="line-height:1.6em;">.</em></p><p>“<em> Involution proposes that humans carry within them the history of the universe, which is (re)discovered by the individual genius when the time is ripe. All is stored within our DNA and awaits revelation. Such piecemeal revelations set our finite lives in an eternal chain of co-creation and these new leaps of discovery are compared to mystical experience</em>” (From a reviewer)</p><p>Each unique contributor served the collective and universal return to holism and unity. Thus the geniuses of the scientific journey, like the spiritual visionaries alongside, have threaded the rosary of science with the beads of inspiration, and through them returned Man to his spiritual nature and origin.</p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">The separation between experience and the rational intellect of science has, by modelling memory as theory, separated its understanding from the consciousness of all, and perceives mind and matter as separate, God and Man as distinct. This work is a dance towards their re-unification: Saints and scientists break the same bread.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">All of time and all the disciplines of science are needed for the evidence. Through swift (and sometimes sparring) Cantos of dialogue between Reason and Soul, Philippa Rees takes the reader on a monumental journey through the history of everything – with the evolution of man as one side of the coin and involution the other.  The poetic narrative is augmented by learned and extensive footnotes offering background knowledge which in themselves are fascinating. In effect there are two books, offering a right and left brain approach. The twin spirals of a DNA shaped book intertwine external and internal and find, between them, one journey, Man’s recovery of Himself., and (hopefully) the Creation’s recovery of a nobler Man.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">From the same review “</span><em style="line-height:1.6em;">The reader who finishes the book will not be the same as the one who began it. New ideas will expand the mind but more profoundly, the deep, moving power of the verse will affect the heart.</em></p><p><em>(Marianne Rankin: Director of Communications, Alister Hardy Trust)</em></p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

When Prince Michael, God’s warring Archangel, discovers that Lucifer has caused an insurrection among a third of the heavenly hosts, the battle lines are drawn for war…in heaven. How and why did the most beautiful angel that God ever created – and one of the first created – fall into sin? The answer is hidden in plain sight in the best-known book in the world, which is the Holy Bible. Lucifer, who is one of the most powerful of his brethren among a class of angels known as cherubim, has four faces: the face of a man, the face of an ox, the face of a lion, and the face of an eagle. His body is encrusted with weighty jewels and ancient instruments, and there is none like him in all of God’s creation. He alone of the heavenly hosts has direct access to the very Mountain of God. When he leads a multitude of angels in absolute rebellion to the laws of heaven and to God, he changes the cosmos forever. Where there was once great beauty and order, the earth now hangs on its axis in shreds. But there is another angelic commander who is his equal in stealth. He is known among the arch commanders as Dunastes, and sets himself to resist Lucifer at every turn in his plan to retake dominion of the Earth and destroy mankind. The chapter Strange Fruit describes the extraordinary account in scriptures about the angels of God who mated with women. Twenty-one Days chronicles the incredible fight by legions of Satan’s best warriors to stop the angel known as Gabriel as he makes his descent to Daniel over the Caspian Sea. The construction of Hell as well as the region known as the Bottomless Pit, will leave readers completely mesmerized in the chapter entitled Gehenna. When Kingdoms Fall: A Novel About the Fall of Lucifer, is a page-turner with mystery, intrigue, adventure, and humor.
