Macaiah Tillman

Macaiah Tillman


Macaiah holds a B.A. in Communications and M.A. in Business. He has served and been a spokesman in several leadership and volunteer opportunities. Recognized in the 2009 Presidential Forum on Service sponsored by the Points of Life Institute with President Barack Obama and the 41st President George H.W. Bush. Five minutes in his presence will propel you to walk in your destiny and FVRD2WIN!

The Accursed King

The Accursed King

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<p><span style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">What happens when a king loses his prowess? The day Henry IV could finally declare he had vanquished his enemies, he threw it all away with an infamous deed. No English king had executed an archbishop before. And divine judgment was quick to follow. Many thought he was struck with leprosy—God's greatest punishment for sinners. From that point on, Henry's health was cursed and he fought doggedly on as his body continued to betray him—reducing this once great warrior to an invalid. Fortunately for England, his heir was ready and eager to take over. But Henry wasn't willing to relinquish what he had worked so hard to preserve. No one was going to take away his royal prerogative—not even Prince Hal. But Henry didn't count on Hal's dauntless nature, which threatened to tear the royal family apart.</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Macaiah has a powerful message on the Favor to Win that changes lives of people across the nation. As an Entrepreneur, Author, and Motivator, his deliverance inspires, excites, and creates a passion for life and business in a unique way. As a well-known professional speaker and author, Macaiah has risen from child abuse victim and life challenges to becoming victorious. At an early age he witnessed the brutal beating of his brother who nearly died and later the life of his mother living from one abuse shelter to another. Today Macaiah would have been considered a child “at risk” being a product of a single parent and life challenges. However, he would say, “not so,” because he realized at an early age the power of choice.


Reading the excerpts alone made me want to order the book!! Author,<br />Hardin Monie <a href=""></a>